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Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Parade Magazine Honors Ret. Sgt. Mike Lewis With "This Years Top Cops" Award.

If you haven't seen the charismatic Mike Lewis on the Eastern Shore these past two days there's a very good reason why.

Mike has been in Connecticut receiving an honorary award from Parade Magazine which has a circulation over 30,000,000 per week! The article says he recovered over $25,000.00 and hundreds of pounds of drugs, leading to the arrest of 17 suspects.

Mike and his Bride will be returning home this evening to continue his successful campaign for Sheriff. One more reason why he's been so successful at convincing Wicomico County he's the right man for the job as Sheriff.


  1. Well having known Mike for 30 some years he should be proud but I'm sure he's very humbled. Now get out on 11/7 and vote for him. I won't take up space here you can see my modest blog for my fuller endorsement! Go Mike,CJ Jannace and tear 'em a new one these next 2 weeks Joe!

  2. PRMC Boy, does PRMC know yer usin' their name to say stuff like this?

    PRMC Boy said...

    Hey Joe.

    What have Dot and Art Goetz taken down their Charles Jannace yard signs?

    The neighbors want to know. We're in a dither over this. Did Debbie Campbell make Art change his candidate?

    A parting of the narrow minds?

    6:32 PM

    Ya certainly got the "boy" right in yer alias. Since yer askin' questions -- off topic and an insult to what the post is about -- I got a question fer ya:

    Did ya take the signs?

    My dogs approved this message. Did PRMC approve yers?


  3. They go up in the morning, stay during the day and they take the sign in at night because someone keeps stealing the signs.

  4. What's more interesting is how prmc boy, (Rapp) was able to spell Goetz properly. You're such an Idiot Jim. Remember Folks, Jennifer used to be a Goetz before we got married and while she worked at the Zoo.

  5. Westside, took a chance and found yer blog. Ya shoulda posted the link. Well, I will:


    When did ya graduate from Bennett, and how did ya meet Mike? I thought he was a WiHi boy.

    Much obliged.

  6. Thanks! When he was knee high his Dad put alumnum siding on my folks house and from my brief stint in law enforcement.

  7. Westide, Mike's dad is a piece of work too, isn't he? Bob Lewis to my mind always reminded me of the classic definition of a Texas Ranger " a man who knows he's right and keeps on coming". He was a deputy sheriff also many years ago and took his job very seriously. Now you know where Mike gets it from.

  8. I'm dating myself a little but my folks house was the first one Mr. Lewis put that new high tech aluminum siding on! Fortunately I was very young. Mr Lewis is a gentleman and proud of Mike I'm sure.

  9. Westside Wisdom,

    Do you know what you can get today for that metal?

    Better be careful, one of these days you might come home to a stripped exterior and made someone a very wealthy individual? LOL

  10. Deadrunner.....What difference will Kirk Make? How will he make a difference? Doesn't it matter to you that 95% of the Law enforcement community who sent thier ballots back to the FOP chose Mike Lewis as thier next leader? Do you think that the Deputies don't know who would be a better leader? What qualifies you to know better than them? Just curious. How can you tell that the drugs Mike took off the street didn't make a dent? You've made the statement now back it up. How can you possibly say it didn't make a difference? I'm sure we would all like to know. With all the drugs and money he confiscated, he certainly got the attention of the drug cartels.......right? He must have been doing something right. Ask Kirk about the time he told a Deputy to park his car for the night because he burned too much fuel patrolling the night before. Now THAT should make a difference. Maybe we should all be more concerned about turning money back to the County Council at the end of the year than deputies being visible as much as possible to deter crime. Is that the more effective approach? I think not.

    This is the type of response you get when you attack a candidate. A good approach to emphasize your candidate would be to highlight his/her good qualities rather than try to bash his opponent. That just raises the hair on peoples necks and puts them on the defensive. Take the high road, dude.

    I personally think Kirk is a nice guy. He's just not my choice for Sheriff.

  11. One thing I can assure you of is, Mike Lewis does read this Blog Site and does appreciate your kind thoughts and wishes.


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