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Saturday, October 17, 2020

Women’s March in D.C. draws thousands in protest of Supreme Court nominee, Trump

Wearing costumes and carrying signs, thousands of people gathered for the Women’s March in downtown Washington and in cities across the country Saturday to protest the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett and to build momentum to vote President Trump out of the White House.

Women wore white lace collars and black robes to honor the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and red robes and white bonnets to mock the woman expected to take her seat — vivid reminders of the cultural battles playing out in the country and the intensity of emotions swirling in the weeks before the election. Some there for the march faced off in a tense confrontation with a group of counterprotesters at the Supreme Court who had come to support Barrett and oppose abortion, yelling, “Keep your laws off my body!”

Ginger Belmonte, 23, said she has come from her home in Frederick County, Md., to Washington every weekend since Ginsburg died.


  1. Y'all better be damn careful what you wish for!!

  2. Doing Transgender studies @ UMESOctober 17, 2020 at 7:31 PM

    bet most were BULL DIKES

    1. I hope they all came from swing states!

  3. Were they wearing a pink pussy cap with their costumes?

  4. With all the issues out there, abortion is that important to these people? With the readily available birth control out there, FREE condoms at health departments, morning after pill, very cheap or free birth control pills with insurance, there's really not much of a need for abortion anymore. To the "what about rape and incest" crew, again, morning after pill available. Planned parenthood was started by Margaret Sangor, who was a complete, total racist... wanted to get rid of blacks, and those she considered inferior, or "damaged". Look it up.

  5. COVID will not touch them it never attacks protest

  6. Any age for anything including infancy. Women choice? Or murder?

  7. You can’t vote out communism once you vote it in

  8. I have never seen such ignorant looking women in my life. MY SUGGESTION IS "GROW UP" and go back to the Washington once you do because you have no idea what you are fighting for except the Democrats asking you to!!!!!

  9. I hope that they suffer in hell.

    1. I doubt any are planning on moving to Maralago.

  10. Drew thousands my ass. Like the million man March. Couple of hundred on welfare.


  11. Can you imagine how unhinged they'd be if a male had been nominated to replace Saint RBG?

  12. Who is funding these msrxist?

  13. if these evil possessed pos's are so in favor of abortion why dont they self abort? I dont think the babies really have a choice now do they? and it's their life!

  14. After giving these issues a lot of thought I've come up with this comment. It seems to me that females are the primary cause of socialism and communism beliefs in our country . Not all females but a good number of them . I believe that most who believe this crap have never had to work or support them selves and they want to keep it that way . Having said that , Maybe if Biden wins this could be a wake-up call for these idiots . If Biden wins the stock market will hit rock bottom and houses wont be worth their weight in crap . If any of you remember when obama was elected that's exactly what was predicted and it happened . I guess some people need to be led all of the time .
    My prediction is that Biden will win and our coutry will fall to pieces under his dictatorship . you will be wearing masks for years and staying home for years . He doeasn't know that the NRA has an excess of 5.000,000
    members , need I say more?

  15. TDS is deep rooted in some. Others just think it's fun to dress up, hang with the girls and try for political relevance.

  16. Remember you can change your sex by simply saying it. You will be allowed to change your passport, driver’s license, social security number, locker room and bathroom. But however you CANNOT CHANGE your race because that is illegal. RBG

  17. They are as stupid as BLM they are all Hillary left overs who will never be happy, and BLM isn't really nothing but radicals Natifa and every violent group that loots, burns, and destroys cities but then will want them all rebuilt in time for Christmas shopping. Or complain that these stores are no longer there. I wish everyone of these violent protestors would have their pictures put out for all their parents to see and would serve real time in the worse prisons we have. Just like in Ferguson it wasn't long after the riots that the citizens were missing their drug stores, grocery stores and were complaining of how far they had to drive to get what they needed. If I were every one of those store owners and chains I would never rebuild in those communities.

  18. Golf clap for them. They can protest and most of the time what does it get ya?


    21 Century hens - git with the real program.

  19. Social distancing Meh.

  20. Super spreader.
    Literally killing people

  21. 8:57 exactly correct!


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