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Thursday, October 15, 2020

Trump slams censorship of The Post in first comment on Hunter Biden exposé

President Trump on Wednesday slammed the “terrible” censorship of The Post’s bombshell exposé on Hunter Biden’s hard drive and an alleged email linking Joe Biden to his son’s job at a Ukrainian energy company.

“So terrible that Facebook and Twitter took down the story of ‘Smoking Gun’ emails related to Sleepy Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, in the @NYPost,” Trump tweeted from Air Force One en route to a campaign rally in Iowa.
“It is only the beginning for them. There is nothing worse than a corrupt politician. REPEAL SECTION 230!!!

Twitter blocked users from sharing The Post’s link to the story, which describes an alleged 2015 email from Burisma energy executive Vadym Pozharskyi thanking Hunter Biden for “giving an opportunity to meet your father.”

Biden, who led the Obama administration Ukraine policy, said last year, “I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings,” including his reported $83,000 monthly pay on Burisma’s board.

Twitter said Wednesday it prevented users from tweeting or direct-messaging a link to the article because it violated a ban on distributing hacked material.


  1. Nothing here. The big story still is withholding aid to the Ukraine until they agreed to conduct a witch hunt against Biden.

  2. I’m gonna suggest some anger management for free for Democrats when Trump wins the election. That will be tax money well spent. What do u think Nan?

  3. 9:52


    You libtards are getting desperate.

  4. Except the computer wasn’t hacked. It was abandoned and became property of the shop. Next.

  5. Congress & Supreme Court better go after the
    Bidens 2020 once & for All !!!

    Voters & America Demand it !!! Lock em up !!

  6. Too bad our DOJ is as corrupt as these criminals.


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