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Thursday, October 01, 2020

Seagram’s heir sentenced to prison in branded sex slave case

A wealthy benefactor of Keith Raniere, the disgraced leader of a self-improvement group in upstate New York convicted of turning women into sex slaves who were branded with his initials, was sentenced Wednesday to almost seven years in prison in the federal conspiracy case.

Seagram’s liquor fortune heir Clare Bronfman was taken into custody to begin her 81-month sentence immediately after her appearance in federal court in Brooklyn.

Bronfman, 41, admitted in a guilty plea last year that she harbored someone who was living in the U.S. illegally for unpaid “labor and services” and that she committed credit card fraud on behalf of Raniere, leader of the group called NXIVM.

At trial, prosecutors told jurors the 60-year-old Raniere’s organization, NXIVM — pronounced NEHK-see-uhm, operated like a cult whose members called him “Vanguard.” To honor him, the group formed a secret sorority comprised of brainwashed female “slaves” who were branded with his initials and forced to have sex with him, the prosecutors said.

Bronfman’s lawyers argued she deserved leniency because she had no direct involvement in the most disturbing allegations and has a health condition that could put her at greater risk for a coronavirus infection if incarcerated.

The defendant had long been affiliated with NXIVM, giving away tens of million of dollars to bankroll Raniere and his program of intense self-improvement classes. She also paid for lawyers to defend the group against a lawsuit brought by its critics.


  1. Somebody will make the links to Epstein and Bill Clinton, then they'll be able disappear, along with the evidence.
    How much did she donate to Hillary's several campaigns (senate twice, president twice) and the Clinton Foundation? Gotta pay to play with the big kids, you know.

  2. Yada Yada Yada...

    I want to see Bill Clinton, his lesbian ole lady>> Hillary go to prison

  3. Oh the lives of the idle rich.

  4. Shocking that a wealthy elitist is actually going to prison,must have got shitty lawyers.

  5. They like to bust billionaires and actress's occasionally to lull us to sleep about all the crooked politicians in power who evidently are immune to any such thing.

  6. Rich girls love attention. Remember Patty Hearst ?

    1. Patty Hearst was an actor in the CIA.
      That goofy story was exposed years ago.

  7. She should be tricked out to the highest bidder. That's the only way she will understand the errors of her ways.

    1. 11:22
      That is one of the creepiest comments ever posted on Joe’s blog. Seriously you might consider counseling. You may be dangerous and don’t know it yet.

    2. You must be a leftist with your mentality... The way they fight racism is by using racism ... do you see the error in your ways ?

    3. Don’t worry! He’s a rock solid Republican!

  8. Tied to & ran by Bill Clinton & Biden !!!

  9. Bill Clinton & Biden control the Sex Slaves!!

  10. Biden & Clinton have sex slaves , yet Nothing
    ever happens to them for anything !!! Fact

  11. Biden will take two bottles of Seagram's
    15 yr old Girls !!!

  12. Unlike Booze , Biden's girls only have to Age
    15 years or so !!!

  13. Biden will open a Cyote Ugly bar & hire his
    girls to dance on it !!!

  14. Biden has stock in Hooters !!!


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