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Thursday, October 15, 2020

Party affiliation revealed on your mail-in ballot the envelope never has to be opened

Watch this video and you will see how a Postal Worker or Election Official can tell whether you're a Democrat or Republican without ever "tampering" with the envelope.


  1. How else would they know which ones to throw away??

  2. Well its what we expected. The marxist culture revoultion of "hate everyone" has worked. This election may result in bloodshed. Will it be Marx or jefferson. The marxist will lie cheat steal to achieve the next step. A Godless stiffling corrupt evil failure system based on the luciferian marxist idealogy

  3. Absolutely!!!! Pay Attention!!

    Hey, nice grill/smoker and nice pool too!
    Doing well indeed!

    America doing great - still!!!!

  4. How could this have happened?

  5. Dude, 1025 we get it. You learned the words marxist and luciferan. Come up with an argument that makes sense instead of just rearranging those terms on every post.

  6. If it is Republican it gets Thrown away !!!
    So, Vote in Person !!!

  7. I'll say it again:

    Postal worker unions endorsed Biden in August. What's that say about the integrity of mailed in ballots, especially those in the hands of partisan mail sorters, carriers and contractors? Those unions contribute lots of money to Democrats.

    It would be interesting to see the numbers of USPS employees hired in 2020 who leave the job just after the beginning of November, with comparisons of previous non-election years, as well as the geographic distribution.

  8. That's scary. A little distracted by the booger hanging out his nose.

  9. I find it amazing that people still think they have a say in who rules over them anyway. Presidents are SELECTED, not elected. Governmental = govern mental = rule the mind. It's nothing but a show. Your "vote" is nothing more than your consent to be ruled over. BOTH sides are evil and they are all in this together. Until people understand this nothing will change

  10. Jesus Christ this is stupid. That's the INNER envelope. It has your name and party on there to prove you are registered to vote (and in some states, parties have specific ballots). That envelope then goes inside another unmarked envelope. No one is throwing away completed ballots.

  11. Revolution.

    We MUST hang each and every one of these slimy cheating lying thieves.

    It should be against the law to even label the envelope. .

    Keep your weapons clean, loaded, and ready.

    The British are coming. Again.

    Biden, who regularly draws AT LEAST 40-50 people WHEVER HE GOES (!!), is going to win an election where 4000 (!) people show up to hear the f'ing VICE president speak??
    Trump draws 20,000 to 40,000 people everywhere he goes, but biden leads by double digits??
    You CAN'T believe that....

    1. Trump isn't drawing 20,000, let alone 40,000.

      Biden's events have been low turnout because they're generally private events aimed to allow for social distancing that are livestreamed online for the general public to watch.

  12. That's why I'm a registered independent. No one knows who or how I feel about politics. plus I don't get all that crap in the mail.

  13. 10:05

    Keep dreaming.

  14. Can you prove 10:05 am that Trump is not pulling in 40,000 people at his rallies? Just spouting off your Democrat misinformed mouth which equates to Stupid😂


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