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Thursday, October 01, 2020

Ocean City Special Event Zone Tuesday, October 6 to Sunday, October 11

With thousands of car enthusiasts in our resort community this week, Ocean City will be designated a Special Event Zone beginning Tuesday, October 6 through Sunday, October 11, during the Endless Summer Cruisin’ event.

The Special Event Zone reduces established speed limits in the zone and increases fines for violations. Additionally, legislation signed in 2020 allows for increased penalties for specific motor vehicle violations. Similar to a Construction Zone, violators will face increased fines or, in some cases, arrest.

During this time frame, citizens should expect to see a large police presence as officers from multiple allied agencies will be assisting the Ocean City Police Department. Officers from the Ocean City Police Department, Maryland State Police, and the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office will be strictly enforcing all traffic laws. In addition, significant traffic congestion, and alternate traffic patterns is anticipated throughout the weekend.

Spectators are urged to keep the sidewalks clear for pedestrian traffic and should not incite the spinning of wheels or “burn-outs” by motorists. Officers will enforce all laws for spectators who incite drivers, as well as enforce the violations with the driver. Further, with high pedestrian traffic expected, pedestrians are urged to Walk Smart! and always use crosswalks when crossing roadways. Wait for the signal to change and be sure that drivers see you while crossing.

For more information on the Ocean City Special Event Zones, visit www.oceancitymd.gov/specialeventzone.


  1. I'm going to simply not go there!

  2. It's pretty obvious that OC is putting this info out in order to limit the (many) times we're going to hear, "What about the Cruzers!?) from the toy car snowflakes.
    Cruzers don't cause any problems. Maybe a little loud at times, but you won't see a bunch of folks standing on the corner yelling "Burn'em!".
    And, if they get cited for anything not quite street-legal, they will accept it and take responsibility for it.
    Much different that the H20 crowd that threatens to sue everybody (which, in snowflake language, is basically "I'm gonna tell my mommy!").

    1. Correct, this event is mostly adults. Youth is encouraged into the hobby, but that type of youth is disciplined and mannerly. Sure there are some ole boys that like to show their pride ride and enjoy playing. Like it was said, they take responsibility and practice safety. The ones that actually give the hobby a dark look are not registered for the event and burn the roads with diesel powered toys along with the loud Mustangs.

  3. Warning one mile an hour over the speed limit could result in a $500.00 fine. We saw the list last evening

  4. These Gestapo tactics have ruined the event and the reason I refused to go any OC events.

    1. 11:24 - Gestapo? Get a life. The message is clear - obey the rules go back and read the posts from8:17 and 1:32 about 10 times out loud. Geesh

  5. Why bother they take the FUN out of everything.

  6. Ya can't bust the punks without busting the drunks. Just saying.

  7. Ocean City is a SHITHOLE. Period!!

  8. H20 dude coming to show offOctober 2, 2020 at 2:11 AM

    I'm peeling out, and you old cops can't stop me

  9. It reminds me of a situation in Baltimore in the 60's.
    Around the mid-60's, ALL concerts at the (then) Civic Center were cancelled and banned due to widespread looting and riotous behavior by the attendees.
    The truth of the matter is that it only happened after R&B concerts that drew a predominately urban crowd.
    There was NEVER any looting after any of "White" groups EVER.
    But because laws and regulations cannot legally be arbitrary, ALL concerts had to end.
    So.... Cruisers: Don't worry. We have your back. We know who you are and how you conduct yourselves during this event.
    We just have to make believe we really care just to placate the h20 idiots.

  10. Rickie/Co praying for rain! (psst how has that prayin done for you all?)

    Federal Holiday weekend too!!!!

  11. If oc could find some way to sponser h2o and have planned activities, it would calm down. Saying don't come is making it worse. I actually live in oc and enjoyed all the cars. The bad apples not so much.

    1. 7:24 I live in OC as well and I have no idea what it was you thought you saw.

      I saw a bunch of drunk 20 somethings acting like it was their right to trash the place - the time for negotiating is long past due. Further, the list of “wants” by this group are all illegal and dangerous (burn out pits, to name one).

      As a side note, I LOVE when they post all over social media! It makes it soooo much easier to make a case against them, get plate numbers, identify specific bad actors, etc.

  12. Planned activities?
    In what freakin' world do you see that happening with this crowd?
    Were you not ever young once? Possibly you were always sitting at the 'nerd table' at lunchtime?
    Others have had your idea in different venues:
    1. "Midnight Basketball" in urban drug zones. ("Come in and shoot baskets; not each other". Never worked.)
    2. "Post-Prom Activities" to keep kids from drinking. (Only the non-drinkers - and not many of them - attended these.)
    3. "Senior Week Activities" on the beach in Ocean City. (Attracted only the ones that were never going to cause trouble in the first place.)
    PENALTIES! That is ALL the mob understands.
    Trust me on this. I've been there.

  13. speedhunters.com

    go read the comments from the tuner crowd


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