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Saturday, October 10, 2020

No need to read between the lines

That's because, Ashley Teagle, Wicomico County's' Library's Executive Director, spelled it all out for us this past week.

On Tuesday, she met with the County leaders to discuss the Library's plans for re-opening, since the main branch that she heads is the last to do so, however; the focus quickly shifted to Teagle's resignation, which she handed to the Council on that same night.

Teagle, said the relationship between the library and the local government was, "My number one reason for leaving my post".

She has been the director since January of 2019, and feels the legislative body has to much control over the library.

“The county charter and the control it gives the county government over the library I think is very dangerous because I think it gives the government a lot of control in what information the library is making accessible to the community,” she said. “And I personally received questions from members of this body about matters ranging from library programs that we’re offering to what grants we’re accepting.”

The outgoing Director also, didn't like what she considered, "Threats that resulted from a proposed Drag Queen Story Hour program".

Council President Larry Dodd said he was, "Surprised to hear of the issues", and vowed to investigate, while Councilman John Cannon said, “It’s a lesson we are learning a little too late, and we are having to pay the price with you leaving.”


  1. If she supported a Drag Queen Story Hour than she needed to leave. Hope the door hits you on the way out.

    1. Should’ve been assaulted by residents of the community

  2. What council member is or was assigned to the library board, and why is all of this a surprise to the council?

  3. Oh, please! If Dodd and Cannon are not aware of "The Drag Queen situation" in the county, that they preside over, maybe both should step down immediately. There is a search box in the upper left hand corner of this blog, if anyone wants to be enlightened...

  4. She's got anew gig at the Drag Queen bar. She will fit nicely there and I think we can spare her and the subversive rhetoric she intended to expose our children to. I didn't hear of any comments from the Council encouraging her to stay. I feel comfortable saying good bye and good riddance and my kids go to church instead of a make believe queer bordello wannabe.

  5. "Councilman John Cannon said, “It’s a lesson we are learning a little too late, and we are having to pay the price with you leaving.”"

    John Cannon thought this Liberal Whacko was worthy of Leading the county library?

    Let's not forget her support for the Dragqueen hour that was scheduled to read to our most vulnerable, our little children.

    John Cannon has got to go!

  6. Anonymous said...
    If she supported a Drag Queen Story Hour than she needed to leave. Hope the door hits you on the way out.

    October 10, 2020 at 2:00 PM

    Amen! If you remember correctly she had the Drag Queens scheduled to read at the Pittsville Branch until some brave parents started to complain. Thank God it was pulled.

  7. “The county charter and the control it gives the county government over the library I think is very dangerous because I think it gives the government a lot of control in what information the library is making accessible to the community,” she said.


    Wait. The County Government funds the county library and she doesn't think that the County government or the taxpaying citizens shouldn't question what kind of programs the library puts on? Programs that are put on at the taxpayer's expense that is! She is nuts and so is John Cannon for supporting her.

  8. I watched that meeting and it seemed like Ashley Teagle's biggest supporters were John Cannon, Josh Hastings and Bill McCain? Hmmmmm... Kind of reminds me of something else that happened recently? That's right, John Cannon joining forces with the Liberals Josh Hastings and Bill McCain like they did when they were fighting for Carl Anderton to be appointed to fill the vacancy left by Bob Culver.

    Is John Cannon a Republican, RINO or Democrat?

  9. These people do not like oversight and there is a reason.
    Library “sciences” as they call it is anything but. They are perverts and malcontents that
    advocate for the most extreme positions possible.
    There is a State library structure in place controlled by liberal extremists that provide content and support services for children and adults alike. They parrot the D N C and all things furiously liberal and lgbtq.
    The actual building is one big roach, mouse and rat Infested poison dump from constant use of VOC’s and oil spills in the basement.
    MOSHA fielded complaints after employees became ill repeatedly and an inspector described the structure as having
    “sick building syndrome”.
    They quietly installed new air conditions systems in the directors offices. The place needs to be torn down.
    Hey John Cannon, clean up the mess! Then ask State reps to clean up the regional library system that made it.

  10. Anonymous said...
    What council member is or was assigned to the library board, and why is all of this a surprise to the council?

    October 10, 2020 at 2:15 PM

    My understanding it was John Cannon? Hadn't he been going to the meetings and updating his fellow council people?

  11. As a voting taxpayer, I am so glad that racist POS is leaving. I hope she moves away from Wicomico County.

  12. C'mon it's a library. Plus it's in a $hit part of town. Who cares who runs it or what it does. You get mold allergies just walking in that old piece of crap anyway.

  13. I was just reading the April 14, 2020 Board of Trustees meeting minutes for the Wicomico Library and on Page 6 under County and City is say:

    County and City

    *April Jackson will be our city representative.

    *Neither Ms. Jackson nor John Cannon made it to today's meeting

    *Maida Finch mentioned that she is a little concerned that we have not had our council liaisons at the meetings lately. Ashley stated that she believed there may be schedule conflicts. Michelle Canopii said that she would reach out to both Ms. Jackson and Mr. Cannon to remind them.


    So it looks as though John Cannon is the County Council liaison and he hasn't been attending the meetings but he supports Ms. Teagle? How can he support her if he hasn't been attending the Board of Trustee meetings?

  14. “And I personally received questions from members of this body about matters ranging from library programs that we’re offering to what grants we’re accepting.”

    Well, I don't know what council member asked questions about the spending and the programs at our public library but they should be commended and not damned!

  15. Why does John Cannon's name always pop up when it comes to liberal controversy??

  16. I heard that Ashley Teagle has talked to county council members and called them racists. That's like the kettle calling the pot black.

  17. If you asked to have a Bible reading they would say no but we can have a drag queen reading. It's nuts!!!

  18. Teagle also highlighted threats that resulted from a proposed Drag Queen Story Hour program, as well as ongoing funding challenges.


    I'm pretty sure she didn't receive any threats. Typical hoax played by the leftists and they have all turned out to be false. She should be charged with a hate crime for her lying.

  19. "She(Ashley Teagle) noted Wicomico’s per capita spending on library services – at $27.11 – is one of the lowest in the state."

    Can someone please tell me why this Bimbo thinks that county taxpayers should continue to fund a library when hardly anyone uses them any longer? Most people have computers and the internet. Now all county school children have been given a laptop computer and the internet so no one should go to the library to get a book. All schools have a library. All colleges have a library. And most everyone does their research on the internet. That leaves really NO need for public libraries.

    So that leaves only the bums who hang out downtown using the library to stay cool during the Summer and to stay warm during the Winter. The bums also use the library to surf their porn.


  20. This is from the MdCoastDispatch on August 29, 2019 where County Executive Culver had a Town Hall Meeting on the East Side and the discussion was about the Pittsville Branch.

    Here Ashley Teagle is begging and trying to justify her existence as a library. This proves to me that our public library is not needed. Please read her statement which proves she was trying to convince the residents to get on board her plea to justify her existence. How was this done? She was promising "Free stuff." What a pathetic POS she is.

    East Wicomico Community Seeks New Library
    Aug 29,2019 by Bethany Hooper

    Library Director Ashley Teagle, however, encouraged residents and officials to view the library as more than just a physical space. She said a new facility could be used to provide no-cost resources to residents and business owners.

    “Wicomico Public Libraries is an innovative system that is doing things in a way that other libraries are not doing …,” she said. “Yes, we are a space and a place, and we do have free internet and WiFi. But I’m always putting out the message that we are more than just books. We can really be a catalyst, working with our county executive to identify what our needs are and tailoring it to the community.”

  21. Time to hold the council accountable if demented programming is being supported by it.

  22. Why not let some of these overpaid liberals @ the WCBOE polishing a seat with there butt be a library director for the county.Maybe Bill Frish can apply he can walk on water just ask him.

  23. Time to defund the wicomico county library!! It's nothing but a cesspool now and not a very user friendly location. There's nothing but homeless and addicts hanging out there when it was open. It's definitely not a place I would allow my children to go to. As far as Teagle resignation she's got her panties in a wad because the majority of us county taxpayers DON'T support the drag queen lunacy reading to children if the community

  24. Do we need a good old fashioned kidnapping? Huh?

  25. Sell that Library building to the folks that bought the rest of the buildings in and around the City and County and move it into some of the County buildings that are in much better shape and under utilized!

  26. April Jackson couldn't be bothered. She's just there for the paycheck.

  27. First its a public building they can not discriminate it is against the law.
    Second she did her job no a bimbo or POS
    Third Cannon sits on board he should have know.
    Forth Libraries are not just books anymore. When was the last time you went? They do workforce development and adult education as well.
    Fifth this is all Acle. What for the PIR to come out. The library is not the only program she is attacking. It is a huge abuse of power for some one so new to politics.

    1. 8:31
      I like your style
      Especially the forth point

  28. I am in total agreement with 2:00 PM.

  29. Anonymous said...
    Oh, please! If Dodd and Cannon are not aware of "The Drag Queen situation" in the county, that they preside over, maybe both should step down immediately. There is a search box in the upper left hand corner of this blog, if anyone wants to be enlightened...

    October 10, 2020 at 2:38 PM

    I don't think it's the Council's job to follow this blog. Is that all you can come up with? It's also not the Council's nor the executive's job to be aware of drag queen shows or their oversight. Obviously, you don't understand how libraries are run. If you have concerns then why didn't you express them to the sitting Board of Trustees? That is who runs the Wicomico Library, not the County.

  30. Anonymous said...
    April Jackson couldn't be bothered. She's just there for the paycheck.

    October 10, 2020 at 8:19 PM

    Whatever happened to that time the Welfare Queen April Jackson got in a fight with Jermichael Mitchel's sister, the time her wig was knocked off?

  31. Funny she made a big production about a certain council member but she was afraid to mention that is was Nicole Acle that she hates.

  32. I personally wrote a check for 10k 8 months and what did I get for it? It’s very hard to find heels in a men’s 12 and I only got to read once. Not happy

  33. She had allowed drag queen story hour at the Waldorf library which she headed as her previous job. This was known or should have been known when she was hired.

  34. Anonymous said...
    First its a public building they can not discriminate it is against the law.
    Second she did her job no a bimbo or POS
    Third Cannon sits on board he should have know.
    Forth Libraries are not just books anymore. When was the last time you went? They do workforce development and adult education as well.
    Fifth this is all Acle. What for the PIR to come out. The library is not the only program she is attacking. It is a huge abuse of power for some one so new to politics.

    October 10, 2020 at 8:31 PM

    You seem to be very uneducated based on your writing and poor grammar.

  35. Anonymous said...
    First its a public building they can not discriminate it is against the law.
    Second she did her job no a bimbo or POS
    Third Cannon sits on board he should have know.
    Forth Libraries are not just books anymore. When was the last time you went? They do workforce development and adult education as well.
    Fifth this is all Acle. What for the PIR to come out. The library is not the only program she is attacking. It is a huge abuse of power for some one so new to politics.

    October 10, 2020 at 8:31 PM

    1) A "public building" has nothing to do with someone discriminating. What are you talking about? What is your point?

    2) Who is she and what is "no bimbo or POS?"

    3) You are right, Cannon is a trustee on the board and he should have *known but he doesn't go to the meetings.

    4) I don't have to go to a library, I own a computer and I pay for the internet. Anything I need can be found on the internet. It is not the job of our public libraries to do workforce development and adult education. That is what schools are for and I am not paying taxes to duplicate services.

    5) What is a PIR? If you are referring to Ms. Acle asking the questions that she asked it has nothing to do with "*someone new to politics" or "abuse of power." It's called accountability and the Wicomico Library receives millions in state and local tax dollars and the taxpayer has a right to know how their money is being spent.

    Thank you Ms. Acle for asking the important questions that you apparently asked, it is not an abuse of power like this anonymous clown hiding behind his/her keyboard is stating. Too bad John Cannon doesn't have the balls to ask the important questions especially since he is the Council Liason to the Board of Trustees. If John Cannon would have done his job and duty as a representative to the people then we wouldn't have gotten this far. John Cannon is a Liberal. John Cannon is a Coward.

  36. Anonymous said...
    She had allowed drag queen story hour at the Waldorf library which she headed as her previous job. This was known or should have been known when she was hired.

    October 11, 2020 at 12:45 AM


  37. Anonymous said...
    I personally wrote a check for 10k 8 months and what did I get for it? It’s very hard to find heels in a men’s 12 and I only got to read once. Not happy

    October 10, 2020 at 10:45 PM

    What are you babbling?

  38. Salisbury PFLAG
    October 11th is National Coming Out Day and Salisbury PFLAG wants you to know that whether you are out, or not, we see you, we love you, and we are here for you. ❤️🏳️‍🌈❤️

  39. The district 5 councilman is a racist and a bigot and should resign effective immediately.

  40. We don't need another gay city like REHOBOTH on the eastern shore. People will soon be ashamed to call SALISBURY,MD MY HOME TOWN.--DISGUSTING WHAT'S HAPPENING..

  41. Spoken like a true Democrat, John Cannon!

    From WMDT's story by Hannah Cechini


    Councilmember John Cannon says that Teagle’s resignation came as a surprise. But he agrees that Teagle made some valid points and that the county council should be something the library system can rely on when it comes to support. “I think Miss Teagle made a very good point as far as her concerns over individual council members that might be making too many phone calls or too many emails in regard to how she may have been doing her job,” said Councilmember Cannon.


    John Cannon is the county councils board representative and if he had been attending their meetings then this resignation wouldn't have "come as a surprise to him!"

    Looks like John Cannon is trying to throw his council member under the bus but the coward didn't have the balls to name names.

  42. Anonymous said...
    The district 5 councilman is a racist and a bigot and should resign effective immediately.

    October 11, 2020 at 1:43 PM

    The Anonymous commenter at 1:43 PM is a Coward and Pu$$y and should STFU effective immediately. My many years of life have shown to me that the anonymous cowards are the true racists and bigots.

  43. Defund the public libraries now!

  44. Oh, look what I found! No wonder Ashley Teagle is trying to force Drag Queen Hour readings to our most vulnerable population, our children. She is buddies with Salisbury's PFLAG and they gave her an award.

    PFLAG = Parents, Friends of Lesbians and Gays

    In 2014, the organization officially changed its name from "Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays" to, simply, PFLAG.

    About PFLAG
    PFLAG is the first and largest organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) people, their parents and families, and allies.

    Salisbury PFLAG
    In absence of a formal ceremony due to COVID-19, over the past month, we have had the pleasure of delivering and presenting our annual awards. All have now been presented! Here, our outgoing ED presents awards to Arlette Bright (Volunteer Appreciation Award), Executive Director of the Ward Museum Kristen Sullivan (Community Partner Award presented to the Ward Museum), and Executive Director of Wicomico County Public Libraries Ashley Teagle (Community Partner Award presented to the Wicomico County Public Libraries). Not pictured: Alison Vooris and Jessica Vooris, who each received a Volunteer Appreciation Award, both of whom had their awards mailed to them. ❤

    Here is the link to Ashley Teagle's connection to Queers.

    Keep your children away from the Wicomico Library.

  45. Nicole Antoinette Hollywood said... The Wicomico Public Libraries has pretty much given me faith in humanity with respect to how they have responded to homophobes in the community


  46. Judy Hyman said... Congratulations to everyone! You make a difference! Thank you! πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ₯‚πŸŽ†❤πŸ’–πŸ’—πŸ’™πŸ’šπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ–€πŸ’Ÿ❣

  47. Lower Shore CASA said... Congrats Ward Museum of Wildfowl Art, Salisbury University, Wicomico Public Libraries, and volunteers! Team work makes the dream work!


  48. Nicole Antoinette Hollywood said... All great people and organizations!

  49. The library director had to remove or cover outdoor electrical outlets years ago because homeless were stealing electricity to charge their Obama phones at taxpayers expense. It’s a popular spot for them to camp too. A homeless man died there a few years ago.
    The bathrooms are showers for them. When staff asks them not to bathe or sleep there, they stop up the toilets and flood the place.
    The library and its support apparatus has long exceeded its necessary function.
    It’s become the proverbial sinking boat, a hole in the water you throw money in hosting all sorts of unknown and unused databases just to spend the money on the equipment and staff to do so.
    What’s worse is libraries focus is promoting all things fringe liberal like Anti-nuclear family instead supporting bizarre “Johnny has two daddys” ideals for pre pubescent children, unconventional sex and adult sex toy demonstrations with live models, of course drag queen perversion conversion. ISLAM. That’s right, Islam is placed in the forefront on the shelves, to keep with the anti Christian Democrat movement.
    They host illegal immigrants for orientation programs intended to teach them how to circumvent American laws effectively aiding and abetting foreign nationals that flaunt our laws and steal our taxpayer funded services. They Waste huge sums on state of the art equipment that sits largely unused by anyone but staff for maintenance and updates.
    The man temporarily in charge now is a Md. Library system deep stater liberal with a penchant for hiring white women and buddies. He was fired from another library across the bridge for malfeasance and liberal perversion content bias. The whole place is a cabal of family and liberal hiring nepotism, filth, mold and pestilence, perverted lgbtq children’s content, miscreant alternative content for teens, disproportionate racial victimology representations coupled with a glorification of thug life and a deliberate elimination of God and country. [but allah is cool]
    It really needs to be completely shuttered, gutted, restaffed and rebuilt/restructured from the ground up with real benevolent and protective leadership that understands the fiduciary responsibilities and archival functions Libraries are intended to uphold for the community.

  50. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The library director had to remove or cover outdoor electrical outlets years ago because homeless were stealing electricity to charge their Obama phones at taxpayers expense. It’s a popular spot for them to camp too. A homeless man died there a few years ago.
    The bathrooms are showers for them. When staff asks them not to bathe or sleep there, they stop up the toilets and flood the place.
    The library and its support apparatus has long exceeded its necessary function.
    It’s become the proverbial sinking boat, a hole in the water you throw money in hosting all sorts of unknown and unused databases just to spend the money on the equipment and staff to do so.
    What’s worse is libraries focus is promoting all things fringe liberal like Anti-nuclear family instead supporting bizarre “Johnny has two daddys” ideals for pre pubescent children, unconventional sex and adult sex toy demonstrations with live models, of course drag queen perversion conversion. ISLAM. That’s right, Islam is placed in the forefront on the shelves, to keep with the anti Christian Democrat movement.
    They host illegal immigrants for orientation programs intended to teach them how to circumvent American laws effectively aiding and abetting foreign nationals that flaunt our laws and steal our taxpayer funded services. They Waste huge sums on state of the art equipment that sits largely unused by anyone but staff for maintenance and updates.
    The man temporarily in charge now is a Md. Library system deep stater liberal with a penchant for hiring white women and buddies. He was fired from another library across the bridge for malfeasance and liberal perversion content bias. The whole place is a cabal of family and liberal hiring nepotism, filth, mold and pestilence, perverted lgbtq children’s content, miscreant alternative content for teens, disproportionate racial victimology representations coupled with a glorification of thug life and a deliberate elimination of God and country. [but allah is cool]
    It really needs to be completely shuttered, gutted, restaffed and rebuilt/restructured from the ground up with real benevolent and protective leadership that understands the fiduciary responsibilities and archival functions Libraries are intended to uphold for the community.

    October 11, 2020 at 10:49 PM


    What makes you think the "COUNCIL" has anything to do with the Library and how it's run? If you have any issues then maybe you should address them to the Library Board of Trustees and not the "COUNCIL!" The library in NOT a county function you DUMB A$$!!

  51. Anonymous said...
    Nicole Antoinette Hollywood said... The Wicomico Public Libraries has pretty much given me faith in humanity with respect to how they have responded to homophobes in the community

    October 11, 2020 at 6:14 PM

    Nicole Antoinette Hollywood, you are one freaking weirdo! Go back to Rehomo Beach with Jim Ireton.

  52. Anonymous said...
    We don't need another gay city like REHOBOTH on the eastern shore. People will soon be ashamed to call SALISBURY,MD MY HOME TOWN.--DISGUSTING WHAT'S HAPPENING..

    October 11, 2020 at 5:46 PM

    Whelp, that is what you have in Salisbury, now, Gus. Thanks to you voting for Democrats. Now you have Jake Day, Jack Heath and Manure Bota who has approved and rubber stamped Jake Day and Julia Glanz's Gay Pride month which has now turned into 4 months of Rainbow flags in Downtown Salisbury.

  53. Cheryl Sidwell is a full-time employee and is the Events & Development Manager

    On her Social Media page, she promotes Homosexuality along with hatred of white people.

    She posted this left wing hate propaganda on her FB page. It says nothing about ANTIFA but it points a finger at President Trump and claims that he is a White Supremacist and promotes violents at his rallies. This is why Wicomico County needs to defund the Wicomico Library. These Library employees are promoting homosexuality and racism against white people.

    Domestic Terrorism
    And what else you need to know today.

    It’s important to note that the problem is bipartisan — and also that it is not equally bad on both sides: The American right today has a bigger violence problem than the American left. Of the 42 killings by political extremists last year, right-wing extremists committed 38, according to the Anti-Defamation League.
    And top Republican politicians have encouraged violence in ways no prominent Democrat has. Greg Gianforte, a Republican congressman now running to be Montana’s governor, pleaded guilty to assaulting a reporter who asked a question he didn’t like in 2017.
    Trump, for his part, has encouraged violence against protesters at his rallies and has often refused to condemn violent white-supremacist groups, including during last week’s debate. Whitmer, speaking after the arrests yesterday, cited that debate: “Hate groups heard the president’s words not as a rebuke, but as a rallying cry, a call to action,” she said."


    She also posts this racist crap on her FB page.

    Cheryl Sidwell
    For every white person who told me they weren’t responsible for “what their ancestors did” - You are your ancestors.(Yes, Cheryl Sidwell wrote this.)

    ‘We Need to Take Away Children,’ No Matter How Young, Justice Dept. Officials Said
    Top department officials were “a driving force” behind President Trump’s child separation policy, a draft investigation report said.

  54. The Wicomico County taxpayers pay this woman's salary and she gets on FB and attacks them. And check out this anti-American statement by this Wicomico Library employee: Cheryl Sidwell said... "I did not stand for prayer or pledge." It can be found below. She also calls Wicomico County citizens racist, sexist and homophobic and YOU pay her salary.

    Cheryl Sidwell
    October 7, 2020 @2:42 PM
    Y'all, please take a listen to my boss (at least for 2 more weeks - sadly, she is leaving Wicomico library b/c the County we live in is racist, sexist, and homophobic - but don't take my word for it, please listen to a woman who experienced both in her 2 years as our Executive Director). Speak, Truth to Power.
    It begins at 12' 05".
    I will put Part 2 in the Comments if you care to hear my response, and also Ms. Purnell who spoke after me.
    The good news is that Ms. Teagle has accepted a position that pays more and where she won't have to deal with so many bigots (hopefully) to try and create innovative and progressive programming. Keep rising and inspiring, Ms. Teagle!
    Sadly, the Council Member who needed to hear this the most couldn't be bothered to show up...

    Cheryl Sidwell
    Part 2 - Public Comments. It's 2020. Speak Ms. Purnell....

    Michele Schlehofer said... I wonder what Board nominee was being questioned by the council... πŸ€”πŸ§
    · 4d
    Miasia Raqasat said... They lost me at opening prayer. What happened to the separation of church and state?
    · 4d
    Cheryl Sidwell said... Miasia Raqasat, I know it's troubling. I did not stand for prayer or pledge. But it's worth hearing Ashley....Also Ms. Purnell who spoke after me in the comments - That woman addressing the council of all men (and one white woman who didn't bother to show).
    Honestly, I was in tears listening to Ashley say what I already knew was true....I'd just skip to that part forget the prayer b.s.
    · 4d · Edited
    Miasia Raqasat said... Cheryl Sidwell I'm going to listen. It just caught me at the beginning, like oh, so everybody's Christian in Wicomico County? Fine, have a moment of silence for those who want to pray if you like, but to then have people reciting a prayer which then means others can't pray as they like and/or are singled out for not participating is so oppressive.
    · 4d · Edited
    Cheryl Sidwell said... Miasia Raqasat I hear ya - we live in the 1930's here...or something like that....It's a whole other planet....But then again - that's exactly Ms. Purnell's point.
    · 4d
    Michele Schlehofer said... Miasia Raqasat it's kind of the thing here. Like, all local public schools have a faith partner (all Christian churches). πŸ˜•
    · 4d
    Cheryl Sidwell said... Basically when you drive across the bridge you go back several decades....
    · 4d
    Amy Rogalski Wise said... Wow....all I have to say ia wow.
    · 4d
    Cheryl Sidwell said... I just want to give Katrina Purnell a standing ovation....
    · 4d
    Cheryl Sidwell said... Also, I spoke almost 2 hours after Ms. Teagle did - I had no idea at the time, but when I exited the Chamber, she had waited for me outside the room. She sat outside the Chamber for well over an hour and a half just waiting for me. B/c that is the kind of person she is. I will miss her.
    · 4d
    Sher De Lune said... You did a great job. Pity the trouble maker was not there.
    · 4d
    Cheryl Sidwell said... except I kept inhaling my rainbow mask! LOL

  55. From FB

    This Wicomico Library employee obviously hates President Trump and Wicomico County taxpayers pay her salary to indoctrinate our children at the Public Library.


    Cheryl Sidwell
    October 7, 2020 at 12:52 PM ·

    omg. i did not know "the tRump Prophecy" was a movie...nor did I know Sby Regal Cinemas was showing it.

    let me tell you what would make america great:
    1) Equal access for all to education, healthcare, food, shelter, decent paying jobs, marriage, family planning, ownership of our own bodies, justice, freedom.
    2) As part of that - destroying the barriers to access for BIPOC, people with disabilities, LGBTQIA, refugees and asylum seekers.

  56. Ever since Mr. Joe Albero, editor of a conservative blog in Salisbury posted false information on his site, there have been rumors and misinformation circulating about a program that was not even on the library calendar. If Mr. Albero wanted to report real news or truth - he should have asked me or my Director for the story.

    The views expressed on Mr. Albero’s blog that instigated public backlash are based not in fact, but in misogyny, homophobia and fear. Choosing to censor programming based on the views of a small group of misinformed and hateful individuals does not build community. It silences the voices of those who are already marginalized. Furthermore, Mr. Albero’s blog went as far as to threaten bodily harm to library staff if they hosted such a program. Perhaps the County should look into those threats instead of emboldening bigots.

    Cheryl Sidwell
    Events and Development Manager
    Wicomico Public Libraries
    410-749-3612 x122
    My pronouns (She, Her, Hers)

  57. Anonymous said...
    Ever since Mr. Joe Albero, editor of a conservative blog in Salisbury posted false information on his site, there have been rumors and misinformation circulating about a program that was not even on the library calendar. If Mr. Albero wanted to report real news or truth - he should have asked me or my Director for the story.

    The views expressed on Mr. Albero’s blog that instigated public backlash are based not in fact, but in misogyny, homophobia and fear. Choosing to censor programming based on the views of a small group of misinformed and hateful individuals does not build community. It silences the voices of those who are already marginalized. Furthermore, Mr. Albero’s blog went as far as to threaten bodily harm to library staff if they hosted such a program. Perhaps the County should look into those threats instead of emboldening bigots.

    Cheryl Sidwell
    Events and Development Manager
    Wicomico Public Libraries
    410-749-3612 x122
    My pronouns (She, Her, Hers)

    October 12, 2020 at 6:31 PM

    Wow! Who is this FREAK with her "pronouns (She, Her, Hers)"

    She says "conservative blog" as if it is a bad thing!!

    "the views of a small group of misinformed and hateful individuals" If that whack job thinks that on a small group of people don't approve of her LGBTQ ways and her love for Drag Queens she is a brain dead mental case. She really needs to go back to Baltimore or wherever she came from. We don't like freak shows like her.

    Can someone see that she is fired immediately!


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