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Thursday, October 01, 2020

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio says NYPD officers not wearing masks should face ‘penalties’

New York City police officers who don’t wear coronavirus masks should face “penalties,” according to Mayor Bill de Blasio.

“Our officers should be held to the same standard as all citizens, all public standards,” he said at a news conference Wednesday. “If they don’t, there should be penalties.”

Despite the statement, de Blasio said most police officers do wear masks on the job in the Big Apple. But the New York Post reported that at the same time the mayor made that statement, more than 30 officers in the building’s hallway were not wearing masks.



  1. Ya, and protesters should get a gift card for Starbucks for not wearing masks!
    He is such an Idiot.

    1. Don’t forget, they don’t use gift or any cards. They have a different approach called looting, that we define as stealing.

    2. Wi Hi graduate and ex fireman on Ocean City roadOctober 1, 2020 at 7:57 PM

      oh for police sake

      its not stealing and looting

      its called giving Blacky things for Slavery

  2. Kind of like the Trump family not wearing masks despite it being the rule at the debate venue.

    1. They are outside and are more than 6 feet away from other people. Keep drinking the Kool aid bud.

    2. Why be so jealous, he is the president. Look at the things the last dude did that weren’t even mentioned at the time. We are still suffering from the failures of the last ass that held us hostage for eight miserable years.

  3. 11:22 kinda like a state mandate on no church services or funerals yet a Black Congressman gets several funerals and church services.

  4. 11:22 Well what about bans on large gatherings yet no protesters are arrested ?

  5. Yeah that's the problem in NY right now. What a joke.

  6. Of all the problems in NYC, the idiot mayor feels he has to go negative on his police officers. Nice attempt to use the police as a diversion from his failed years as mayor.

  7. 11:22 kind of like you wearing your mask around your own family right? You wear your mask while driving alone don’t you?

  8. The cops are signaling to the public it is time to STOP this nightmare Psyop

  9. @11:58 Cops thinking they're above the law and immune from consequences? Yeah, that is a big problem in NY.

    1. 4:52 So..cops not wearing masks is a big problem in NY but no mention of the daily crime. How do you get thru life?

  10. See the governor of pennsylvania and a lawmaker caught on hot mic saying wearing masks is "political theater". 'Nuff said about masks.

  11. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever.

    George Orwell, 1984

  12. How about suspending them ALL with pay until a proper investigation. IA usually last about 2 weeks. Lets see how the city is during those times!

  13. They should. If the President can catch it, anybody can, and tax dollars shouldn't go to sick leave for a preventable illness.

    1. 9:53 And the government should never be allowed to force you to have health insurance but they did 🙄
      Communism anyone?

  14. The Mayor should face Penalties !!

  15. Same thing should apply to looters, Antifa and rioters and especially de Blasio!!!!!

  16. I heard they collected $3.5 million in fines during the most recent H2Oi ....that should be unanticipated revenue and should help

  17. Get RID of this Democrat Mafia-oso !! 2020


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