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Wednesday, October 14, 2020

New Jersey mayor's Facebook post blasting Trump and his supporters prompts outcry

A New Jersey mayor has come under fire for a private Facebook post that condemned President Donald Trump and likened his supporters to “religious zealots” who want to “enact the Christian version of Sharia law.”

The post, allegedly from Flemington Mayor Betsy Driver, was shared Saturday on the Hunterdon GOP’s website.

“This is day one of the new SCOTUS terms – the religious zealots want to enact the Christian version of Sharia law,” the post reads. “If you voted for the orange monster with COVID, go f--- yourself. If you plan on voting for him again, unfriend me and go f--- yourself again.”

Hunterdon GOP Chair Gabe Plumer, who shared the post online, derided it as “shameful” and “insulting,” and called on Driver to resign.

“Your statement is antithetical to the principles of representative democracy,” Plumer wrote in a statement. “It is further proof that you do not represent the people of Flemington, the character of Hunterdon County, and the values of at least part of the Democrat party.”


  1. The good mayor sounds a bit unstable to be in such a position. Maybe she is jealous that President Donald J. Trump has a bride and family. Perhaps she get a good mate to satisfy her bad self and she wouldn’t speak so much of someone screwing themselves. Or maybe just shut up if she is so unhappy and angry. But there again, it’s unlikely because it’s in her DNA, being a damorat.

  2. Nothing is ever secret (private) with social media. Foolish Mayor

  3. It’s only an outcry if the media says it is ... communist bastards

  4. Democrats want to enact Satan's version of laws on the rest of us. Not today Satan, not today.


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