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Monday, October 05, 2020

New Blog Host

We do finally have a new blog host, and designers will be working on Tuesday to design the blog as closely to the old format as possible.  

We are hoping to be able to redirect you by sometime tomorrow afternoon.  

Thanks so much, 



  1. Patiently waiting....

  2. Great Joe, I'm looking forward to seeing Salisbury News back on line.

  3. Was wondering what happened to the “people’s voice on the shore”blog.

  4. Damn, I thought maybe you had died.

  5. Hopefully very soon !

  6. Can't hardly wait Joe, there is always a way and you did it.

  7. looking forward to seeing, reading this awesome news blog

  8. Okay, I will give it the benefit of doubt. Those two posts from 8:26 am are totally unrelated.


  9. For multiple purposes this is best blog to get most best reports and ultimate gain. Best chance to get news first from ultimate web address channel.

  10. Can’t wait but I hope it can allow us to add memes and pictures to our comments because that could be interesting

  11. Please create a post about the Wicomico County Council and Wicomico County Director of Parks and Recreation, Steve Miller who are both in discussions about renaming the Pirate's Wharf boat ramp after the former County Executive Bob Culver! What a slap in the face of the Public! Steve Miller and Bill McCain better just leave the name the way it is! Bob Culver was very selfish and detrimental to Wicomico County citizens during his tenure here. He was the most HATED and DISLIKED politician in Wicomico County history! Let me state, Bill McCain And Steve Miller need to be removed form their prospective offices!

  12. Joe, Are you going to continue to filter the comments on the redesigned site so only the ones that fit your #AGENDA get posted?

    1. Good morning 11:16 - if you are so concerned about Joe filtering responses on HIS site, you are more than welcome to go elsewhere. Heck, you could even make your own site and share your thoughts all by yourself! Until then, the rest of us enjoy his reporting and efforts for our community.

    2. 8:44 good to see you’re still commenting on your own posts! Don’t let us down in the future. Hits, hits, hits, no matter how you get em.

  13. Pirates wharf was Culver’s personal park all these years he was the only one allowed to enjoy it. Why not name it after him.

  14. That's funny but true 11:36 AM!

  15. Pirate's Wharf being considered to be renamed after Bob Culver?? GTFOOH!!! The park has not even been opened for public access! What a BOZO Bill McCain has become! Not one more term for you!


  16. Let's leave it as Pirate's Wharf and put the photos and names of Council members on the sign!

    Truth in advertising.

  17. Chesapeake Bay Bridge Jumper Is Back

  18. Kamala Harris slept her way to the top


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