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Saturday, October 10, 2020

Maryland's Ban on Expanded Polystyrene (EPS), Styrofoam Food Service Products What You Need to Know

The Law During the 2019 legislative session the Maryland General Assembly passed Chapter

579 (Sections 92201 through 9-2207 of the Environment Article, Annotated Code of

Maryland) banning the use of food service products (e.g., cups, plates, bowls, trays,

etc.) composed of expanded polystyrene (EPS), commonly referred to under the trademark name

of Styrofoam. The law states that on or after July 1, 2020, a person may not sell or offer for sale

in the state an EPS food service product; and a food service business or school may not sell or

provide food or beverages in an EPS food service product.

Emergency Extension

Because of the Covid-19 pandemic and on behalf of the Hogan Administration, Secretary of the

Environment Ben Grumbles issued a public notice extending the deadline for food service

businesses or schools to stop selling or providing food or beverages in EPS food service

products to October 1, 2020, or 30 days after Maryland’s COVID-19 State of Emergency is

terminated, whichever is earlier. The Public Notice was issued pursuant to Governor Larry

Hogan’s proclamation of a state of emergency and a catastrophic health emergency related to

COVID-19. The public notice is a very limited time extension to help schools or business use up

existing inventories of ESP. It does not change other aspects of the law, including the July 1,

2020 deadline for a person (e.g. an EPS manufacturer or wholesaler) to sell an EPS food service

product in the State. For example, a restaurant with existing inventory of EPS cups may continue

to provide beverages in those cups until October 1, 2020, or 30 days after Maryland’s COVID-19

State of Emergency is terminated, whichever is earlier. However, a distributor of EPS cups is

prohibited from selling new EPS cups to that restaurant, effective July 1, 2020.

Discretionary Waiver

Under the law, the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) may grant to a food service

business or school a waiver from the law for a period of up to one year if the department

determines that achieving compliance would present an undue hardship or a practical difficulty

not generally applicable to other food service businesses or schools in similar circumstances.


A county’s local health or environmental department shall enforce the law. A county may

impose a penalty not exceeding $250 on a person or food service business that violates any part

of the law. A penalty may not be imposed under this section unless: the unit of county

government first issues a written notice of violation to the person or the food service business;

and the violation is not corrected within 3 months of receipt of the written notice. The law

requires the county to notify MDE of any violation of the law.


  1. So, drop the mask order and open up the state for business!

    What about eggs? They don't count? This is just to be a burden on restaurants?


  2. It's as clear as mud, in keeping with Maryland's Confuse and Befuddle Doctrine.

  3. Two of my friends are allergic to peanuts to the point of death. I DEMAND to ban all peanuts until a common sense system is in place. Let’s keep the children safe Thank you.

    1. 8:56 you need to ban your 2 friends from eating peanuts. I like peanuts and they shouldn't be banned from people that can handle them.

  4. This on effects food service? What to make a half-azzed law. Clowns

  5. More Not Needed over Control by Democrats
    in Maryland , trying to be communists !!!

  6. @8:17 Paper egg cartons were invented decades before styrofoam ones, and are still in use. Restaurants also have a variety of takeout containers that aren't styrofoam. Have you ever even worked in a restaurant?

  7. Paper Chinese take out food cartons have been around forever you would think someone smart would just change the shape and size.

  8. Coffee cups should be exempt! Those cheap ass paper cups aren't worth a damn.

  9. @11:03 Major chains like Dunkin Donuts stopped using styrofoam years ago and paper coffee cups have gotten better over the years. You must enjoy a chance of catching cancer with your coffee.

    1. Must be terrifying living in such a scary world.

      P.S.- the paper cups have not gotten any better and never will.

  10. 11:03 AM - Because they're so flimsy when hot and filled, I always double up.

  11. State of md always loves to threaten It’s people

  12. Anonymous said...
    @8:17 Paper egg cartons were invented decades before styrofoam ones, and are still in use. Restaurants also have a variety of takeout containers that aren't styrofoam. Have you ever even worked in a restaurant?

    October 10, 2020 at 9:56 AM

    Who cares if someone has worked in a restaurant?? WTH does that have to do with the price of rice in China? Idiot!

    1. The way I see it, the person was only referring to things have changed and one being employed during that time may have known. Too much unnecessary name calling in the comments.

  13. So now we have to go back to the paper/cardboard type egg containers and carryout food boxes..... Until the tree huggers start pissing and moaning that we are cutting too many trees down. What a bunch of stupid, Liberal Morons.

  14. These are the same Libtards in Merryland that wanted a 5¢ tax on each chicken.

  15. Anonymous said...
    Coffee cups should be exempt! Those cheap ass paper cups aren't worth a damn.

    October 10, 2020 at 11:03 AM

    The paper cups get flimsy and soggy before the coffee even cools down.

    1. Good thing I don’t drink the nasty stuff.

  16. 137
    People who have worked in a restaurant are more likely to know the price of rice including in China.
    Those who have never worked in a restaurant are less likely to know the prices of common food products.

  17. Socialist Maryland !!!

    1. @5:59 How is banning Styrofoam containers remotely socialist? Just because you disagree with something doesn't make it socialism.

    2. Because the replacement product is purchased from a communist China and flown in. China is the worlds biggest polluters. Science

  18. I guess the governor has NOTHING else better to do with his time during a pandemic! I guess he woke up one day and said gee let's ban Styrofoam. Its so important right NOW! Children not being educated right, people losing and lost jobs. Homes in jeopardy.And this is important!

  19. When do we stop comments on this page and move to a new one?

  20. There goes Pelosi's Thong !!!

  21. Our great State at work, Maryland Department of the Environment What a joke, a bunch of dumb people from across the Bay. You would be surprised how many people have been hounded too Death on the eastern shore, buy these Assholes. Marylands Goons.

  22. We've traded plastic straws wrapped in paper for paper straws wrapped in plastic. Congratulations, you're f'n retarded.


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