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Sunday, October 11, 2020

Joe Biden backs fracking to woo Pennsylvania’s blue-collar voters

Joe Biden deepened the rift within the Democratic Party Saturday with an emphatic embrace of Pennsylvania’s energy industry.

“I am not, not, not banning fracking, period,” he assured union members at a plumbers’ training facility in Erie, Pa., a crucial swing county in the battleground state.

Hydraulic fracking of oil and natural gas has fueled a job boom in the Keystone State — but is despised by proponents of the Green New Deal.

Both Biden and his running mate, Kamala Harris, said repeatedly during their primary campaigns that they hoped to do away with the extraction method. But they have said otherwise in recent weeks — earning disdain from other Dems.

“Fracking is bad, actually,” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) tweeted Thursday, after Harris said Biden does not support a fracking ban.

In Erie, Biden delivered an 18-minute speech to about 30 locals — all seated in socially distanced circles — in a parking lot that featured a rack of copper and PVC pipes as a backdrop.


  1. Flip Flopping LIAR is TOOOOOO Late !!! Done

  2. I want to faze all oil and gas out because it’s the biggest threat of our life time. Based on science.
    I will not ban drilling for oil and gas it’s the blood of a America
    I support the new green deal
    I do not support be green deal
    I will not tell you if I’m going to pack the court because it will make headlines. So vote for me and find out.
    I wrote the crime bill
    I never wrote the crime bill
    Trump 2020

  3. o'biden is a lying S.O B.

  4. No Biden won't ban fracking but Kamala will when she replaces after 3-6 months IF he is elected.

  5. Don't be fooled by this charlatan, if he ever gets elected he will ban fracking and take away your guns.


  6. Even the brainwashed drones chosen to sit in one of BiteMe's magic circles have to realize a half dozen turnout doesn't come close to tens of thousands rallying to the President. Joementum is the null set.

  7. Lying perverted pos.

  8. Biden already Backs the DEVIL , so much for
    Fracking !!!

  9. I remember when Obama was supposed to take away all our guns and jerbs....

  10. It's embarrassing how his party treats him like a dancing bear.

  11. 8:36

    Obummer did a pretty good job at taking away our jobs and maybe didn't take away our guns but not for lack of trying.

  12. He probably just wants fracking so he can get his parasitic son Hunter another $83K a month ‘job’ on the Board of Directors of an energy company.

  13. Voters deserve everything he's got!

  14. 8:36....you goof.

    More people went on welfare while obama ran the ship than ever in history.
    THAT sounds like a booming "jerb" economy to you, huh?

    You HAVE to start paying attention. Your Mom will die one day and you will have to know how the real world works. Your decisions will have to be based on more than just who is going to forgive your student loans that you used to pursue a 2 year degree for 5 long years ...... and still missed it).

    Keep cheering, at least for a few weeks. Crying time soon.

  15. Biden Loves under-age girls Period !!!

  16. Yep. I grew up in the Johnstown area and moved down here for work over 25 years ago. Saying stupid stuff like this will certainly go a long way to securing votes in PA (sarcasm)


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