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Thursday, October 15, 2020

IRS files lien against Marilyn Mosby & Nick Mosby for unpaid taxes

Two Maryland public figures are in hot water with the IRS. 

Baltimore's City State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby and Maryland Del. Nick Mosby had a lien filled against them for $45,000 worth of unpaid back taxes, according to court records.

The lien is an attempt to collect unpaid taxes from 2014-2016.

Delegate Nick Mosby said, "I have been in ongoing conversations with the IRS for five years about the tax consequences of an early withdrawal from my retirement savings plan, which I did to support unplanned expenses after a series of family tragedies. I expect to have the issue resolved in the coming days."

Marilyn Mosby who was sworn into office in January of 2015, and is Baltimore's top prosecutor, has not made a statement.

According to the Maryland State Constitution, it is possible to remove the Baltimore City State's Attorney from office.

Fox45 News learned that this past summer Marilyn Mosby, asked an Inspector General for an investigation into her out-of-town travel.

In the past two years she has traveled to Germany, Portugal, Africa, and Scotland.

FOX45 reports, it has filed several public information requests for pertinent documents, and did not receive the records.

The State's Attorney's Office asked for thousands of dollars in exchange for certain public records, including $6,480 for specific email records and $156,000 for copies of Mosby's work calendar.


  1. That's for the money they know about. Baltimore and the entire State of Maryland is corrupt. They get elected to line their pockets. Not for it's citizens. Look at Hogan?? How much of the money he gave his in-laws ended up in his pocket?!!

    1. The learned from Al ‘I don’t pay no taxes’ Sharpton!

  2. Of course. Dumbocrats don't have to pay taxes.

    But they are hounding Trump to expose his taxes of which his businesses have paid hundreds of millions in taxes.


  4. This mosby trash deserves nothing but their lives to be hell on earth I hope and pray this comes true and this is a small sampling of what is to come to them They are both spawns of the devil and have fouled the earth for another generation with the filth they spawned.

  5. Couldn't have happened to a more deserving person. Ha, ha, ha. LOL! LOL!

  6. Buh bye Marilyn....Angela will be next.

  7. And leaves Al Sharpton alone.....

  8. Typical hypocrisy she enforced law but thinks she is above it. She is a crook and a racist

  9. AOC doesn't pay taxes - just us deplorables!


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