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Thursday, October 15, 2020

Georgia Democrat Vernon Jones rips Kamala Harris as 'intellectually dishonest' and 'dangerous'

Georgia Democratic State Rep. Vernon Jones blasted his party's vice presidential nominee, Sen. Kamala Harris, as "dangerous" for the minority community in an interview with Fox Business Network Tuesday.
Jones, who has endorsed President Trump's reelection, told "Making Money with Charles Payne" that there "would be chaos if Joe Biden was to win" the White House next month.

"First of all, Joe would not be the president," Jones told host Charles Payne. "It would be who? Kamala Harris. She will do any and everything, say any and everything for power. She is intellectually dishonest. She is flip-flopping. She has gone back and forth.

"A vote for Joe Biden is a vote for Kamala Harris to be president, not Joe Biden," Jones emphasized. "She is dangerous."

Jones who is black himself, claimed that Harris was responsible for putting more than 130,000 "Black and brown" Americans behind bars during her tenure as San Francisco district attorney and California state attorney general.

He went on to call out Senate Judiciary Committee member Pat Leahy, D-Vt., who had questioned Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett about a picture of "long lines" at a voting precinct in DeKalb County, Ga. -- which Jones represents.

"Look at that line. I suspect neither you nor I have ever had to wait in line like that to vote," Leahy told Barrett. "People talked about, well, are we giving racial entitlement? This is not entitlement for any Americans. This is turning our back on democracy."

Jones accused Leahy of incorrectly trying to ascribe racism to incidences that have nothing to do with discrimination on the basis of skin color.

"It's the local leadership. We have a majority-Black council and city commissioner," he said. "We have a Black [county] executive and a Black director [of] elections ... If the lines are long, it is poor planning. They’re not adding precincts [or] equipment or employees. It is not about voter suppression."

Jones added that the true perpetrators of voter suppression are left-wing groups such as Antifa.

"The real voter suppression [is] how Antifa and Black Lives Matter are attacking Blacks and others for their independent thoughts and freedom of speech," he said. "That is voter suppression."


  1. Dangerous when these Radicals get in ANY
    power , esp Congress !!! Wake up America !!

  2. he's wrong, in that one would have to have an intellect to be able to be intellectually dishonest! she's not that smart. In fact she's a whore who slept her way to where she's at, just ask willie Brown.

  3. Vernon Jones is an honest African American which is very rare. Most blacks are completely lacking in any and all morals which is something they need to face and admit. The problem is almost all have not ever had a good honest decent human being in their lives ever. Most even lie about being Christian that is what horrid people they are. You can not be a Christian and support the democrat party. You can fool yourself but you certainly can not fool God and is why He is punishing the black race with all the black on black murder. God can't stand the ugly that is the black race and how they lie about the police and racism. God will continue to punish them until they stop living their lives filled with sin it can start with them stopping that constant lying they do about racism and if they don't they deserve the death and crime. Good people are blessed. Bad punished like they are being punished.

  4. She is very dangerous she lost totally in the Democratic debate and was out during the first round, Biden wanted a black woman to serve as his running mate and did not even check into her background she is in no part black from what has materialized she Puerto Rician and Indian. So why did this not upset the Black Lives Matter group they were duped and overlooked it, just because she looks black and tries to fit makes her no better the the congresswoman who claimed to be Cherokee Indian for more votes. She is dangerous in that no higher IQ than Biden now and will just do what she is told by the party, they are two of a kind.

  5. Kamala is Racist Scum !!! She is Finished !!

    Go back to stripper poles !!!


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