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Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Ex-White House doctor questions Biden's 'mental capacity' to be president

Former White House physician Ronny Jackson questioned Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s mental acuity and suggested that he is unfit for office due to his lapses on the campaign trail.

Jackson, who is running as the GOP’s candidate for a House seat in Texas’ 13th congressional district, made the remarks during a conference call organized by the Trump campaign. The 53-year-old, who served as doctor to former President Barack Obama as well as President Trump, acknowledged that he never personally treated Biden and said his remarks were those of a “concerned citizen” rather than a physician or candidate for office.

“As a citizen of this country, I watch Joe Biden on the campaign trail and I am concerned that he does not have the mental capacity, the cognitive ability to serve as our commander in chief and head of state,” Jackson said during the call.

Trump has repeatedly questioned Biden’s mental acuity ahead of the 2020 election, referring to his opponent as “Sleepy Joe” at rallies. On Tuesday, the president tweeted that Biden had a “particularly bad day” and alleged the former vice president “forgot what State he was in.”


  1. 2 days ago Biden said he was running for the senate. He is a embarrassment and the party is a joke. Power hungry money grubbing fools.

  2. It’s an insult to the American people to put Biden up for President. We’re not that stupid. It’s fine for them to share the belief of the socialist Bernie until he runs as the head of the party. Make no mistake Biden will be kept hidden while the rest run the show.

  3. Proof enough that Bidens memory is shot. He forgot bout all the Hunter deals with Burisma.

  4. You would think Biden would have considered all the corruption of a 47 year career and at this point in his life just sit on the beach in Rehoboth. Proof he can’t think straight.

  5. LOL. This is the same guy that said Trump was in top shape, an over 70 year old morbidly obese guy who eats garbage?

    No thank you, not taking any advice from that guy.

    1. He beat COVID in 5 days and is doing 3 hour rally’s (protest). Maybe McDonald’s helps? Or maybe you are crying ?

    2. And I’m not taking any suggestion from you. I don’t know you’re age, but I would imagine that over 70 year old morbidly obese guy who eats garbage, could out perform you in all areas. Just my humble opinion, not criticism.

  6. Did you see Pelosi's new amendment? It will be used when Biden wins to take him out of office for his mental decline.

    1. There needs to be another made up to get rid of The Lube Gal, because she may be a step closer to mental decline.

  7. Biden never should have been a candidate due to his mental capacity and tests should have been done after the Democratic vote, but then we all know Harris will be taking over as president if they should win and he will permanently be put in the basement. And that's just as bad as Biden for President she didn't even make it but one day in the Democratic debate with 1% of the vote. And yet the stupid Democrats pushed them both ahead do you see how lame and futile this all was do you really want either to make national decisions, decide rather war or not, how to get along with a make deals with our allies.

    1. I agree! Sleepy Joe is an embarrassment and a joke. What’s even worse is that even in his current state he is far better than Lying Donald Trump.

  8. Trump took a vaccine derived from fetal tissue.

    1. So the fetus served its purpose.

  9. Poor DuPont / Biden
    The bosses won’t let him retire
    He still owes them.

  10. Do you think any candidates they presented this time were worth spit? Biden was the last straw as far as the old school democrats go.every other candidate was way too marxist. of course they pick THE WORST as his VP. The hard core socialist (i.e marxist commie souless pig) this pick Should speak volumes to their real intentions. they are shoving her down our throats just like they did Obama when he was first introduced during the democratic convention. A BIG nobody from nowhere just like this one.
    Except this time the big lie of the feel good comminity organizers (marxist/commie fronts) these incubators of marxist garbage have jelled into the full blown marxist revolutionary army. SOROS and other of his ilk FUNDED!! If this aint treason I don't know what is!! are you listening bill bar get on it. The real collusion crime is SOROS THUGS, Obama, Biden, hunter,comey, china, clinton foundation, russian, democrat- socialist(a marxists cover story) covid connection!!!

    1. One definition of treason is withholding military aid to an ally in exchange for a domestic political favor from an enemy.

  11. Don't need to even be a Doctor to SEE Biden
    should be Disqualified by Bad Health !!!

  12. 7:49
    morbidly obese?

    I bet he weight half what you do J.T and he's 6 inches taller.


  13. Does jug eared Chris Coons, whose young daughter Biden was pawing when her father was sworn in to her father's grinning approval, support Joe's Senate candidacy?

  14. Biden Full of DEMENTIA !!! Can't Hide it !!!

  15. Dementia Biden !!! Keep on Hiden !!! LOL

  16. Not qualified to be in charge of anything
    BIDEN & HARRIS !!! Let alone Military &
    Missiles !!!


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