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Thursday, October 01, 2020

Black Chairman of Proud Boys Speaks Out after Liars Joe Biden and Chris Wallace Call Them White Supremacists

For months now violent leftists, antifa terrorists and Black Lives Matter have been torching businesses, terrorizing communities, shooting cops, looting stores and rioting in cities across America.

But at Tuesday night’s debate Chris Wallace demanded that President Trump denounce white supremacist violence in our streets. And Joe Biden added that Trump needed to condemn the white supremacist Proud Boys group.

On Wednesday Proud Boy International Chairman Enrique Tarrio, an African-Hispanic American, spoke out against the smear that Proud Boys is a white supremacist group as Joe Biden claims.

Joe Biden, Chris Wallace and the media are LYING TO YOU!


  1. Democrats want to find someone to scapegoat because all the damage BLM and Antifa doing.

    1. @4:02 Just like how BLM and Antifa are being scapegoated?

    2. BzlM and Antifa are just concepts 💡

    3. Why in the Hell are no new comments allowed in the above topic about President Trump and the First Lady testing positive for covid 19? Every living person "WILL" test positive before this flu like disease is behind us!!!!

    4. Probably because most don’t care!

  2. Then tell me why this man has been photographed hundreds of times flashing white power sign with his hands. If you're going to post something, at least make a little effort in checking it out.

    1. White Power White Power White Power White Power White Power White Power etc etc

  3. Google antifa.com
    See what happens....I'll wait

  4. White supremacy does not exist. The problem is most blacks are not honest people so will not admit this. The ONLY thing blacks have to worry about are other blacks. And again because most blacks are completely void of morals they won't admit this.
    Another fact most blacks will not admit because most are liars and immoral is that the democrat party and blm have done more destruction in black communities and caused more black deaths then the police, the kkk and white supremacy combined ever has and ever will.
    Blacks even lie about being Christians. You vote democrat and you are not a Christian. God sees and is why no matter what they say they are not blessed. So many have murderers and other criminals in their family. Have murder victims. Live worse then animals Don't have 2 nickels to rub together. That is not blessed. It's not even living. It is just existing. It is a curse put on them by God because even God hates their ugly lying hearts and their sin filled lives.

  5. Lying POS Democrats and the leftist media are in full steam ahead to intentionally destroy the a United States of America. Why, in God’s name are we allowing this to happen?

    1. Shore Billy with a 4x4 diesel truckOctober 2, 2020 at 1:53 PM

      I like my TV , beer, and chips
      and sports.

      I don't care what politicians do

    2. 1:53 See you at the brick room gay boy ;)

    3. And they don’t care about you.

  6. The Proud Boys are a racist violent group. Slaves also helped the slave master catch runaway slaves. Some people are still brainwashed.

    1. we know where you are boy

    2. Pretty Boy (1:54)
      No you don’t. Obviously.
      The commenter is Anonymous, like you and me. Why are you typing something so stupid which hurts your so-called cause. Of what exactly are you proud?

    3. I had no slaves and you picked no cotton 6:51

  7. Ok so they are Conservative Antifa equally clueless as their Liberal Brethren

  8. Biden and Wallace proven liars

  9. They have been identified as white supremacists by multiple federal agencies.

    1. 8:14 because believing what the feds say should be gospel 🙄

  10. Theyve been flagged by multiple state and federal watchdogs as extremists

  11. They need somebody. Since Trump is so presidential, always tells the truth and is so respectful to all people, they’ll never scapegoat him.

  12. No 4:02 its the propaganda wing of these communist atheist brain dead mouth pieces runnig amok!! They are every where, the media, education, churches, justice, government,UN,Obama zombies, and these "UNITED FRONT communist organzations, anfita, teachers unions & all unions, BLM, apparently allot of government, bussiness and 99.999% of democrats, LGBQT, on and on.
    Progressive lies shoved & repeated..all deception and all luciferian pile of LIES!!!
    Kill destroy hate burn it down if its pure,moral, GODly. They hate you! They hate GOD! me! And mankind!
    So please Lets not vote any of luciferians idealist into power or we are all doomed! The communist dream is a nightmare thats goes againt GOD TRUTH and the nature of man

  13. Wallace out of nowhere yells to the President to condemn white supremacy, a 17 year old kid and proud boys. Then Biden starts yelling at him. It was Obvious Trump had no idea what the heck they were even talking about. Wallace got the sound bite be was looking for.

  14. True story. This is not fake news. Wait until the people condemning Proud Boys for being white supremacists find out. Why wouldn’t they check first??

  15. Where do I sign up

    1. Eastern Shore member of Proud BoysOctober 2, 2020 at 1:57 PM

      Proud boys.com

  16. Fake News! This is just the media creating a stir. Wow! Wouldn’t be surprised if the next fake news is that Trump has contracted CV19!

  17. Enrique Tarrio is by no means is 'Afro Hispanic'. If he denounces racism then he definitely is on the wrong side. All he has to do is read the comments from this blog to know that not all people on the right are racist but all racists are on the right. If they met him on the streets and didn't know who he was, would think he was an illegal immigrant and tell him to go back where he came from. I'll never be on the side of openly and proud racist white people.

    1. “All racists are on the right”. Really? So blacks can’t be racist? You are a prime example of brainwashing or stupidity. No wonder our country is in the shape it’s in🤦‍♀️

    2. You are a racist and part of the problem.

  18. Great grammar 4:02. America will decide for itself. Parading a mixed race man around going "We're not racist see we have a black guy!" is almost as cringey as their name.

    1. But doesn’t that prove the white supremacy narrative to be another media hoax ??? You’re an idiot

  19. Well when you help organize events that are regularly attended by white supremacists such as the KKK in Charlotte, an event their leader helped to organize, it's a little hard to step back and claim you're not racists.

    1. They have no contact with the KKK who really no longer exist ... ANTIFA is more of a white supremacy group

    2. KKK will rise againOctober 2, 2020 at 1:59 PM

      Cry me a river 😢

  20. It was aggravating this morning when Jimmy Hoppa on WBOC referred to the The Proud Boys as a white supremacist group. Why can’t any of the media just report the facts and not opinions?

  21. Proud Boys sounds like they should have a rainbow emoji in the middle of their name.

  22. Why flash the white power symbol if you're not white supremacists?

    1. There is no white power sign another fake narrative by the leftist racists

    2. 9:41
      I agree with your point.
      I believe intelligence is running multiple psychological operations on the public.

      Pretty Boys, BLM,ANTIFA are all part of the drill. A lot of confusion out there which paralyzes the population so it just resolves to wear a face diaper and follow orders.

  23. Antifa doesn't have a spokesman. They're not an organized group that's the point. These guys clearly are.

    1. ANTIFA is a mob that’s funded by Soros... Soros calls the shots stupid

  24. He's a paid crisis actor.

  25. I’m black and I’m organizing a Proud boys chapter of the Eastern shore and they welcomed me with open arms

  26. @8:19 you are mistaken if you truly think that all racists are "on the right"

  27. Biden was segregationist Biden crafted the 1994 crime bill that targeted blacks labeling them as super predators and Biden was best friends with Robert Byrd the klan recruiter

    1. 1:18 All true. But take a look at these comments. Sometimes you just can’t fix stupid. And I believe there are several generations of stupid out there 😁

  28. Why do people capitalize blm? It doesn’t deserve any special recognition! Oh yes I agree Blue Lives Matter, got it!

  29. They Never attack Antifa & BLM which ARE
    Terrorists Groups !!

    But as soon as ANY Whites try to have anything > OH , that is Terrible we can't
    have that !!! They are White Supremisis
    they are Racist / They are KKK & so on !!!

  30. @October 1, 2020 at 4:26 PM. Scapegoated? We see what they do every single night on t v. They prove every night what a-holes they are.

  31. 2October 2, 2020 at 8:19 AM. Yeah we know. You all do nothing wrong, it's always someone else's fault. Someone looks at you, they are racist. Someone says something to you, they are racist. Don't you know that all people have to do is look around and they will NOT see racism at all coming from the majority of whites in America. Over 99 per cent of white America have never seen racism committed against anyone. So shut the hell up about all that PERCEIVED racism you complain about. WE know what the truth is.

  32. No where near as bad as you all claiming that Floyd, Blake, and Breonna were killed because they are black. Their color had nothing to do with their deaths. But you are too ignorant to see that. Or you just do not want to see it or admit it.

  33. @October 2, 2020 at 9:41 AM. White power symbol? You know it was blacks who claimed that it was a white power symbol? No white had ever seen it before until you all started it.

  34. October 2, 2020 at 8:32 AM . You mean like Biden parading around saying he has a black woman? She is jamaican and Indian. He is more black than she is. She is claiming to be black to trick you blacks into voting for them. Go ahead, fall for their lies. She has a record of jailing blacks. She feels she is more white then black and does not want to be labeled black. But will claim to be so to get elected.

  35. The Black Supremacists are BLM / Antifa / Democrats !!!

  36. Someone better start a white group or whites won't have any rights left. Blm and Antifa are racist too. I have never seen such hate and mess in our country until now. And it all is during an election year? Come on people wake up! The president has zero power. The people In charge hate trump cause he is a lose canon and can't be controlled. Biden can be controlled. So was Obama. Wake up people. Trump 20/20. Give us 4 more yrs. Trump has done amazing things. Our economy has soared under Trump!!!!

  37. The ONLY KKK was the Democrat Party !! Fact

  38. biden is the racist. There are no if's and's or but's about it The democrat party is the party of racism. They are the face of racism. They show their racist ways every single day. The problem is almost all blacks are immoral people who live the most sin filled lives of any other race walking the face of the earth so won't admit this. They are very dishonest people and this is the root of all their social problems. This they won't admit either. So many blacks even lie about being Christians. You can't be a Christian and vote democrat. You can not pick and choose what parts of the Bible you want to follow. It's all or nothing

  39. joebidenracist.org

  40. I’m a proud boy so what

  41. Should have picked our own cotton problem solved!

  42. No Christian or decent human being should support Proud Boys or Antifa; both are violent ideologies. To join Proud Boys you have to endure a beating by other members; just like any other thug gang out there. Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnis wrote a piece entitled "10 Things I Hate About Jews", later switched to "10 Things I Hate About Israel". Watched about 1 minute of his broadcast, profane and vile. I am voting for Trump as the much lesser of 2 evils but wholeheartedly believe the President should have firmly denounced this organization. Disappointed to see this piece on this blog.

    1. Proud boys have no such rituals you’re a liar

  43. Good boys needed to take out the Bad boys >
    BLM & Antifa , so stop complaining !!!

  44. ONLY White Supremacists ,Never any Black ones
    ever Mentioned in the Democrat controlled
    News in America !!!


  45. Many more Black Racists than ever will be a
    White one !! FACT

    I have put up with too many of them at work
    & Nothing ever done about it, when reporting
    their illegal behavier !!!

    When they get in power , their heads swell
    & they think they can treat Whites any way
    they Please !! FACT

    They get their chance to punish Whites for
    the Slave days, in which we ALL today were
    NO part of or even BORN yet !!!

  46. Black colleges should be illegal !! it is
    Discrimination toward Whites & Others !!!

    We can't have a White one, so there !!

    Tired of them being Favored all the time !!
    Time for Real EQUALITY in America so >
    Throw OUT Affirmative Action Laws , which
    are Un-constitutional & Reverse Discrimination Period !!!
    The best Qualified should get the jobs Not
    by Color
    School Choice
    White History Month
    Whiteish show
    White Culture


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