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Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Bill Barr’s ‘Unmasking’ Probe Into Obama Officials Concludes without Charges

The US Attorney tapped by Attorney General Bill Barr to investigate “unmasking” done by Obama’s criminal officials around the 2016 has concluded the probe without bringing any charges, according to the Washington Post.

US Attorney John Bash reportedly found no evidence of wrongdoing and concluded the probe without charges and without a public report.

The probe into unmasking was launched in May of this year after then-acting DNI Richard Grenell declassified the list of Obama officials involved in the unmasking of General Mike Flynn in his conversations with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak.

Names included former CIA Director John Brennan, Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power and former DNI chief James Clapper.

Joe Biden was also on the list!

US Attorney John Bash was also investigating whether Obama officials leaked information to reporters, but found no wrongdoing.


  1. Who didn't know that?? Another swamp creature acting like he's honest LEO. When President Trump wins again I hope they fire Barr and RAY. Then charge them with conspiracy.

  2. What a freaking waste of time & money. Thot he had the goods on him.

  3. Well, there you are. More proof of the 2 tiered just us system. THEY get away with it, while just us are left. Hope is lost.

  4. Has his bank accounts increased by a surmountable volume since this conclusion?

  5. In the best interest of the country and national security no charges will be filed,LOL.

  6. Barr cracks me up like Rush and Newt they all missed their calling as angry Lesbian Gym teachers.

  7. It is very sad that that the (zero)bama adm is going to get away with crimes against this nation. What he did throughout his adm and then with the spying on Trump campaign is worse than gov adm this nation has ever seen and nothing will happen.

  8. Northwest Woodsman: My god! How stupid do they think we are. I have very low expectations regarding the intelligence of the average American, however, no matter how stupid a person is, they should recognize this level of corruption and incompetence.

    1. Woodsman,
      I agree 100%

      Both political parties and all Politicians are corrupt. Most are Freemasons with a secret oath sworn to a secret group of people.

  9. Where did this info come from and why has there been nothing on the news about it?

  10. @9:28 It has been in every major newspaper around the world and on every news network for the past two days... except, of course, Faux News.

  11. Confirmed ,...a nothing burger

  12. Sweeping under the Rug Again !!! Not Right

  13. Should PLENTY of damn Charges !!! Fact

  14. Deep state at work again (Clinton Foundation)

  15. Deep state must have something on Barr !!!


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