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Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Biden speaks to 30 cars of supporters at Ohio ‘drive-in rally’

Democratic nominee Joe Biden delivered a speech in front of around 30 socially-distanced cars of supporters at a “drive-in rally” on Monday in a warring event with Vice President Mike Pence who was also in the Buckeye State.

After the 77-year-old remembered what state he was in, and what office he was seeking, he gave remarks on the economy in front of United Auto Workers in a half-empty Toledo parking lot as Pence spoke to hundreds of supporters in the capitol of Columbus on Columbus Day.

Biden’s 25-minute speech was at times also derailed by supporters of President Trump, who stood on a nearby street corner and loudly chanted “four more years” as the Democratic presidential hopeful spoke.

Biden delivered familiar remarks on how he believed the 2020 presidential race was “between Scranton and Park Avenue” or “Toledo and Park Avenue” — a dig at President Trump’s history as a Manhattan real estate tycoon.



  1. Thirty gas burning vehicle and his jet in the back round because climate is the biggest threat of man kind.

  2. Will take alot more than 30 cars to get elected !!! LOL LOL

  3. How many girls under 18 were in them ???

  4. Leftmedia saying Biden ahead by 91% then when he loses democrats will riot.

    1. They riot no matter what but will it be organized with non profits? No money no riots.

  5. But those poll numbers bro, all about the spuriously collected and blatantly biased polls!

  6. Joe Why are the links still not working??

  7. All bye-done could muster was 30 frickin' cars. OMG bye-done and libbies have to know he's not going to be elected. Oh wait, there's mail in voting. Ahh haa...

  8. More Trump supporters there than Biden had, just sayin'...

  9. More then half of the voters are democrat due to the fact they market themselves 100 percent better. Clinton’s learned the hard way the need to own the media and entertainment. But I think times have changed with this election and Joe Biden will not win. He wants to raise taxes by two trillion dollars, kill baby’s without a time limit and faze out fossil fuels. More then half the country is objects to that. No matter what you do for a living these policies will negatively affect you. But I do believe with marketing COVID into complete fear and mail in ballots this will hurt America to the point of a third world country. Even with a 99.8 percent recovery and 90 percent of COVID patients say they wore a mask (cdc) most people believe they will die if caught and believe masks will protect them. mask aren’t going anywhere until summer if Trump wins and Biden administration will NEVER get rid of it. It will be the same guidelines of China Should be noted China has had a mask law for decades and doesn’t seem to do much. And I think the polls are inaccurate because I compared them with Obama at the same time and Biden is 3 times more popular with his party. I don’t believe that for a minute. Obama was a god to the democrats and republicans just wanted to be blessed by him. Few years later it turns out be probably was the most corrupt and dangerous president we ever elected. Thank you. (Typed using internet short hand)

  10. Trump will smoke you biatch in 2020.October 14, 2020 at 1:35 AM

    But at least the money our President Trump earned

    was legal asshole Biden ...

    and you stood by too BIDEN, when Stevens and our citizens were killed at the Embassy

  11. @ October 13, 2020 at 7:38 PM

    You've got the number right, but the information wrongs.

    When the latest polling data is collected (from ALL polling sources) and averaged, Biden has a 91% chance of having over 270 electoral votes.

    It's not a "left" or "right" media thing. They could spin the data how they want, but you can't make up the data, and the data shows that Biden is at a 91% chance of winning right now.

    1. Hahahaha rotflmao, now that's funny I don't care who you are.
      TRUMP 2020 MAGA !!!!

  12. 30 - WOOOOO!!! Not Enough > See YA !!!

  13. 6:02 if you took the issue seriously you'd know it's the billionaires who are far exceeding the common mans greenhouse gas emissions. They do a great job of deflecting responsibility to the common man.

  14. Well 7:34 your totally WRONG(s) the media is bias as are the polls. Your insane biden hasa 91% chance of losing!! yes thats the correct spin on your lie

  15. Biden's Big Rally 2020 of 30 cars !!
    America Not Worried !!! LOL LOL


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