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Thursday, September 17, 2020

Virginia Senate passes bill giving localities authority to establish civilian review boards

The Virginia Senate passed a bill that gives localities the authority to establish civilian review boards after a long, heated debate on Tuesday.

The measure, introduced by Sen. Ghazala F. Hashmi (D-Chesterfield), is designed to hold local police departments accountable without imposing a mandate on localities. Instead, it makes the creation of civilian review boards optional.

While some Virginia localities already have civilian review boards, this legislation grants them subpoena power to compel the production of documents and witnesses. These CRB’s could also produce public reports on policing.

The House of Delegates passed a version of the bill that requires localities to create a civilian review board by July 2021. The House’s bill would apply to police and sheriff’s departments whereas the Senate bill excludes sheriff’s departments.

The House and Senate will have to come to a consensus before the bill can go to Gov. Ralph Northam’s desk.


  1. Civilian review means Black's decide without using FACTS or COMMON SENSE. PERIOD!!! Half of Black's can't read or write. Yet they will be deciding the date of POLICE. Brilliant. Why not get a review board for these ASININE BAFFOONS in office??

  2. Step in the right direction but implied immunity for cops needs to go... Or they need to provide their own insurance to be a cop so if they abuse people the tax payers don't keep paying!!! Did you know, just one guy alone, the cops spend over 3 million just to try and lock up a 1st amendment auditor for recording in public??? that doesn't include any money he will win in lawsuits, that is just from all of the cars and gas and personal trying to hem him up!! now times that by at least 50 to count for all across america! yeah cops are hero's...

  3. To add: lets not for get the now 12 million judgement that the family of the Brianna Taylor will get for what the cops did to her... So add that on top of everything else... Oh and don't forget what the SBY cops beat on college students and lost, had to pay!!! So add up all over America police brutality pay outs, Your in 100's of millions tax payers foot the bill for...

    1. 8:49 Now do what it costs to house all those thugs in prison.

    2. Just like athletes....that $10m will go POOF. Lack of sense knows no color.

      $10m. Damn.

  4. These democrat legislators are out of their cotton picking minds!

  5. Meanwhile, lets not hold the black community responsible for what they do. Disrespecting the police, refusing to do as the police tell them, committing the majority of the crimes, refusing to accept responsibility for anything. Let's blame it all on someone else and cry victim.


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