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Thursday, September 03, 2020

Virginia House rejects bill allowing police to be sued over alleged violations of civil rights

RICHMOND — Legislation that called for ending qualified immunity for Virginia police failed Monday after opponents argued it would result in frivolous lawsuits and make it difficult to hire and retain police officers.

The bill would have allowed people who allege police violations of their civil rights to sue and collect money damages in state courts, ending the immunity that shields them from liability. It was defeated when two Democrats on the House Appropriations Committee voted with Republicans against reporting it to the full House.

The defeat stunned the bill’s chief patron, Del. Jeff Bourne, D-Richmond, who called the vote “disheartening.” He said the committee had “squandered a great opportunity” during a special legislative session focused on criminal justice and police reforms following the May 25 police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

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