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Saturday, September 12, 2020

Verizon Wireless donates Chromebooks to Baltimore students, teachers

Verizon Wireless is making good on its promise -- that pre-dates the coronavirus pandemic -- to donate more than 1,300 Chromebooks to Baltimore City school students and teachers.

Administrators say the timing couldn't be better.

The promise was made just after the first of the year, before the pandemic hit. Now, seven months later, the computers have arrived.

And by the boxloads to the Baltimore Design School on Barclay Street.

“We were waiting for the devices and when we got word they had shipped on a Friday, we were waiting by the doors for them to arrive,” Baltimore Design School Assistant Principal Darrin Brozene said.

So far, the school has given out more than 200 laptop computers. It has about 100 more on hand for families who, up until now, have been forced to make do with limited school-issued technology.



  1. I'm sorry. (chromebooks are garbage)

  2. Who cares?? It's not like they will be used anyway. They probably will have half sold on the street. More BLACK Privilege I see.

  3. So they can just sell them on the street

  4. Personal spy devices.

  5. I hope they come with preinstalled porn site and BLM filters. Poisoning kids' minds is the opposite of the intended effects, no?

    1. Don't worry they have blocked everything. You can even use educational videos on utube. Like these kids don't already have access to that stuff anyway.

  6. Northwest Woodsman: Doesn’t matter if they are any good or not. They will just be resold in the ghetto blackmarket.

  7. As they continuously overcharge us and cant fix problems


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