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Friday, September 25, 2020

VA Governor Northam, First Lady Test Positive For Coronavirus

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam and his wife, Pamela Northam, have tested positive for the coronavirus after a member of the governor's residence staff also tested positive. While the governor has reported experiencing no symptoms of COVID-19 — the disease caused by the virus — Pamela Northam has reported experiencing mild symptoms.

Late Wednesday, the governor was notified that a residence staff member, who works closely within the couple's living quarters, had developed symptoms and tested positive for COVID-19, the governor's office said Friday morning.

Northam and his wife received PCR nasal swab tests on Wednesday and received positive results. Both will isolate for the next 10 days following guidelines from the Virginia Department of Health.

The couple is working with the department of health and the Richmond Health Department to trace their close contacts, according to the announcement. The Executive Mansion and Patrick Henry office building were closed for deep cleaning Thursday.


  1. Treatment....blackface

  2. Northwest Woodsman: if one displays no symptoms or mild symptoms, why is it newsworthy? We all walk around on a daily basis with bacteria and viruses and our immune systems produce antibodies to fight them. Sometimes we feel symptoms such as a sore throat or congestion that may be indicative of a virus attack of some sort but our immune system wards it off. For political reasons, weak, fearful people have been manipulated and indoctrinated into believing that we are all in mortal danger when life is going on as normal. This WuFlu, when facts and accurate diagnosis are analyzed, is not any worse than other flu seasons we have experienced in the past. The actual numbers of victims is much lower than what the controlled media reports because the real truth doesn’t fit their narrative. Have you noticed that the tribally controlled media, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, and the rest, all are still promoting the “pandemic” and listing outrageous daily exports of deaths? I personally don’t know of anyone who has died from this flu or even suffered severe symptoms. We are led to believe these numbers only because it supports the Marxist agenda. It will fade out soon after the election when there will be major violence for them to cover and deflect by calling them “ mostly peaceful demonstrations”. Just ask police officers and citizens who are unfortunate enough to work and live in these hostile Marxist controlled zones just how peaceful they are. Recall the Seattle mayor’s comment regarding a “summer of love” and a “street festival atmosphere “? Ask the business owners what they think.

  3. Couldn’t happen to a better radical liberal.

  4. How sad for them
    They have worn masks and distances themselves the whole time. But they got COVID anyway. Very sad.

    Question: does wearing a mask matter?

  5. Wearing a mask doesn’t help.
    Virus is microscopic

    I feel so smart because I learned virus is microscopic back in High School Biology class.

  6. I thought this only happened to anti-maskers and birthers??

  7. Thank God! There is justice!

  8. Reap what you sow !!!!

  9. But everyone is wearing masks, how can this be? Yes I am being facetious

  10. He should have worn his hood.

  11. That's Their Karma !!! Good Riddens !!!

  12. Couldn't happen to a nicer schmuck!

  13. Karma is a BITCH. Like the guy who got cured of AIDS. He now has terminal cancer.

  14. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Governor Blackface refused to wear his mask and now look at him.

  15. Good. He’s a liberal tool

  16. Might the next politician victim be Joe Biden just prior to the debate !

    1. No no 4:56, I want to see the debates.

  17. By the look at the number of comments on this. NOBODY CARES about the baby killer or his wife.

  18. These dirty Democrats DESERVE to catch it !!

  19. Probably his illegal maid.

  20. Glad to hear this, hope he goes with this. RIP ain't soon enough!

  21. Wow! And, he has an underlying condition... privileged white elite racist in black face and decorative hood.

  22. Why does he call his meetings rally’s and why is his staff called members ? Also apparently their was a large cross being built behind the residents and members were carrying gasoline cans? Must be for lawn cutting and Sunday service. I can’t think what else could be going on.

  23. Give them a Double Dose for Virginia !!!

  24. 11:58-A good well thought out comment,but rather than reading it in it's entirety I'll just wait until it becomes a mini series.

  25. I wish gov northam the best .... and strongest dose possible.

  26. Karma from China Pharma !!!


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