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Wednesday, September 02, 2020

Trump: I don't want my supporters confronting Protesters

During an interview aired on Monday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Ingraham Angle,” President Donald Trump stated that he does not want his supporters to confront left-wing protesters and that such matters should be left to law enforcement. Trump also stated that his supporters are good people who “can’t believe” the violence they see in some American cities.

Host Laura Ingraham asked, [relevant exchange begins around 5:00] “[D]o you want your supporters to confront the left-wing protesters, or do you want to leave it to law enforcement?”

Trump responded, “No. No, I don’t want them. I want to leave it to law enforcement. But my supporters are wonderful, hard-working, tremendous people. And they turn on their television set, and they look at a Portland, or they look at a Kenosha, before I got involved and stopped it, or they look at Chicago, where 78 people were shot last weekend and numerous people died, or they look at New York, where violence is up by like, what? 150%. … They’re looking at all of this, and they can’t believe it.”



  1. Warning perhaps? Get out of the way folks!

  2. Ah, nothing like the rise of facism. Remember in the future when there's a 20 20 on this you were complicit.

  3. No we should NOT confront them The riots are in democrat strongholds. We should not then be fighting the democrats battles. Let them deal with it. Let the residents who mostly vote democrat suffer the consequences of voting stupidly

  4. 11:43 you might be right

  5. Well then you better fix the problem Trump because we aren't going to be the victims so you can play politics.

  6. 2:32

    Who's playing politics? OMG Projection much?

  7. I am surprised he hasn't put out a call to arms and rallied the Minions of his personal Army. It's really what they are waiting for that mongoloid kid was just a head of the call.

  8. Unlike Biden telling his supporters to throat punch Trump supporters and then blame the rioting and looting on Trump.

  9. @2:32 He is. He doesn't want to use the insurrection act because he's scared it'll cost him the election losing blacks and independents as well as some democrat converters.

    In the meantime people have had their businesses burned to the ground, smacked upside the head with bricks, executed in the streets, etc. I am a supporter of Trump but don't come at me like I owe anyone unquestioned adherence to their agenda.

    I bet you if Nancy and the democrats try to usurp the office through fraud to the point he actually is removed he'll have no problem telling us to take it to the streets then.

    1. 5:53 - And I'll have no problem taking it to the streets at that time

  10. @8:45 If only you were shot by Antifa, your business torched, or smacked in the back of the head with a brick by BLM so we could see if you were truly sincere.

  11. Democrats behind ALL of it just to get Trump Out of office !!!
    Next week something else & the week after that , until election day !!!!

  12. Police need to kick Protester's asses from now on !!!!


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