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Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Trump camp seeks extra debate rule: Third party inspectors to look for electronic devices in candidates' ears

President Trump is asking for an additional ground rule ahead of Tuesday night’s first presidential debate between himself and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden. But the Biden campaign is rejecting it.

Fox News has learned that the president’s re-election campaign wants the Biden campaign to allow a third party to inspect the ears of each debater for electronic devices or transmitters. The president has consented to this kind of inspection, but a source said the Biden campaign has declined the ear check.

The Trump campaign, in the hours ahead of the debate, claimed Biden's campaign had agreed to such an inspection before reversing themselves.


  1. Biden said no...and wants two 30min breaks lol. Get the popcorn out. This is gonna be good.

    1. Fair exchange— agreeing to checking for war pieces in exchange for three independent fact checkers to eliminate lies and ‘alternate facts’ AKA bullshit!

  2. First of all, why not? Trump wouldn't listen to whomever was in his ear anyway lol. Can't we just look at their ears and see if anything is in there?

  3. He's really scared huh?

    1. Yes, sleepy joe is really scared.

    2. No. He just wants a fair contest. Unlike when Hillary received the questions before the debate,etc. The democrats can and will try to cheat any way they can.

    3. Doesn't change the fact that he never answers a question, you'll see tonight, it's just a rambling mess.

  4. Just trying to make sure everything is on a level playing field. So nobody else will be answering questions for Sleepy Joe and telling him what to say. Seeing how he can't even put a simple sentence together. You know the thing aw you know I'm running for you know the Sanate thing you know.

  5. Yes i agree 2:33, biden is petrified and Trump will wipe the floor with him..i guess that why biden wont let them look..his ruse will be over and the light will shine right thru that empty BIDEN skull

  6. Makes Biden look foolish. Unless he’s hiding something why would he object. Independent 3rd party doing the checking and equally applied to both candidates...what’s the problem?

  7. It will be a historic debate not to missed. A total out of control surreal shit show on both sides.

  8. Don't stop there! Check his teeth, too. Maybe even a whole body scan.

  9. I’m getting the pop corn ready
    Oh or is it corn pop for Biden?
    Can’t wait for some good entertainment

  10. Especially Biden's ears & if found Take them
    OUT !!! Pelosi & Harris are telling him
    what to say !!! LOL LOL

    Against the Rules !!!

  11. Good point. I have seen where Biden has had electronic earpieces in the past. I believe this is why he keeps messing up. And dementia as well.

  12. They should check Biden for tiny little strings that are moving his arms and mouth.

  13. yeah ... cant trust a lying Socialist

  14. I agree with 4:43, o'biden is not capable of listening and repeating things correctly that may be delivered by a electronics in his ear. Let him have a hearing device and watch him booger up everything his handler tells him. I wouldn't miss this debate for a thousand dollars

  15. Check for Pacemakers too !!! LOL LOL

  16. Trumps gonna get crushed....BIGLY

  17. Biden pissed himself halfway through the debate.

  18. Well trump openly gave a shout out to nazis and white supremacy groups tonight non national tv....voting for a democrat for the 1st time since 1976...

  19. AOC has an earpiece in Biden's Ears , small
    enough Not to see !!!

  20. ".voting for a democrat for the 1st time since 1976..."

    Is that when you died and the DNC recruited your vote?

  21. Biden has a Micro-chip in his head , so he
    can be told what to say & do !!!

  22. Biden was wearing a Wire to set Trump up !!!

  23. The Wire goes to Hillary & Obama !!!


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