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Friday, September 25, 2020

The Post asks … Can you find Joe Biden?


On Thursday, just a short 40 days before the election, the Biden campaign called a “lid” at 9 a.m.,no more questions, no more appearances for the rest of the day.

That’s after The Post found that President Trump has answered five times the number of questions from reporters in the two months from mid-July to mid-September, 1,141 to a scant 274.

Americans deserve to hear more from the man who wants to be president, and who is willing and able to face tougher questioning.


  1. I saw his White bad self instantly when peeking. His pale sick look stood out before the red sign (answer on page 5!)

  2. I expect him to claim he was exposed to the virus and goes into hibernation. He has no guts. He has been a suck up his entire career. sniff sniff sniff

  3. A reckoning is coming soon for the dimocratic party. They have backed themselves into a corner this time with no way out. The asswhipping that is to be applied in November will be like nothing ever seen before and take years to wear off. I can't wait !!!!

  4. Obama never left. Wake the f up!

  5. Next Tuesday he will Have to come OUT of Hiding !!! When Trump eats him up !!!

  6. 9am is past Joe Biden's bed time.

  7. Most of Joe's answers trail off into gobbledygook without actually answering any questions, so we're not missing anything.

    1. Hey man, I bet I can beat u at push-ups

  8. Biden is Hiden as usual !!! LOL LOL

  9. Joe will never debate watch and see

  10. Biden on his knees looking at girl's butts !!

  11. DuPont (Biden) is the designated loser this year.
    He knows it.
    Well, some days he knows it.

    The wife will be well taken care of as will the son.
    DuPont has officially thrown the race to the Donald.
    Well, he threw it after Bernie threw it first.
    It really was Bernie's to lose.
    But he threw it.

    That's for another story

  12. He's such a wussy old wimp.

  13. Biden on his back looking up skirts !!! LOL

  14. Biden voters just remember he said he would quarantine the country for 3 months that means shut down the country for 3 months you ok with that?

  15. Biden would quarantine 15 year old girls to
    his basement for a year !!!


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