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Thursday, September 10, 2020

Taco Bell ‘Karen’ goes ballistic on employees over burrito order

A “Karen’’ went ballistic over her burrito order at a Taco Bell in Missouri, calling workers the n-word — and threatening them while claiming to be “Charles Manson’s daughter,’’ according to reports.

The woman was caught on cellphone video claiming she’d been overcharged for her “three burritos and two tacos’’ — and launching into a violent, profanity-filled, now-viral tirade as the fast-food joint’s employees tried to calmly explain her bill was correct, shows video posted to Reddit.

“I’m gonna f- -k you up, n—-r,’’ she told one worker, who is apparently not black.

“Not good enough for a real job?” the white woman sneered, while a young boy, who was not with her, is seen at one point nervously sitting at a table in the foreground.

The out-of-control customer then grabs things off the counter and chucks them on the floor and at the workers before stalking off, threatening, “You’re going down, son of a bitch, personally. You f–ked with the wrong motherf—-r.



  1. Alcohol and mental illness but color is always mentioned when person is white.

  2. Another white trash yelling at a bunch of white HS kids. I bet this POS wouldn't go to the taco bell down the street with all black employees.

  3. You kidding me 10:15? She called someone the n word. That tends to bring race into the conversation.

    1. Everyone involved was white... do you think maybe rap is responsible for making the word acceptable ?

  4. This is not a "Karen". This is white trash. "Karen" uses educated language to try to intimidate and put fear, and belittle, and humiliate because she thinks she is above everyone else. This is White ghetto who just wants to be a bitch on a low life level. Now don't get me wrong, "Karen" is also a low life, but carries herself as a self loving queen.

  5. typical evil trump cult members...a menace to society...

    1. Says the cowardly Marxists that want to enslave America

  6. A lot of people use the "n" word as a type of person. It doesn't matter the color of the skin. It is not about the color but the behavior.


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