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Saturday, September 12, 2020

Special counsel team phones wiped clean


"Over two dozen phones belonging to members of Robert Mueller's special counsel team were wiped clean before they were handed over to the Inspector General, according to information contained in 87 pages of DOJ records released on Thursday."

"Andrew Weismann wiped two of his three Special Counsel's Office phones. He wiped one by accident. He wiped the other by entering the wrong password too many times. Has anyone ever wiped their phone by accident? Asking for a friend."

"'attack dog' lawyer Andrew Weissman, who urged DOJ attorneys to go rogue and 'not' help US Attorney John Durham investigate FBI and DOJ conduct during the Trump investigation."



  1. I think I heard a female demonrat called hillary say when ask a question about wiping her phones clean and she replied, "what,with a cloth?" Sound familiar?

  2. These high dollar folks we hear of all the time are supposed to be top of the class, cream of the crop. Man, never thought top law men would be as corrupt as they are. I wouldn’t even drink a beer with them if I worked side by side. The good president has cleaned out some trash, give him another term to flush more.

  3. mueller/comey = 2 pieces of shit

  4. The police and prosecutors absolutely LOVE "obstruction of justice" charges.
    It can be almost ANYTHING, including erasing the contents of cell phones one can reasonably believe will be, or are, under investigation or subpoena.
    But, dammit, there's that "Two Sets of Laws" thing.
    These people have been thumbing their nose at the laws they use, the very same laws!, to put you and I ("we, the people") in PRISON.
    They go to Europe for the Cannes Festival.

    You keep cheering.

    They keep going on vacation.
    I think they should go into exile. Or hang. Hanging is just as good....

  5. I guess with the crime committed by these evil people nothing will be done. RIGHT????? They all should be charged. It just shows more of what kind of frame up was being committed and they did not want to be found out. OUR GOVERNMENT IS PLAIN CORRUPT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. It's a DAMN shame how these corrupt SOB's have the BALLS to break the LAW. Our DOJ allows them to do it. WTF is Barr doing?? He's still waiting for the bullshit durham investigation. When he could be locking these POS up. Durham is as corrupt as the rest. He'll get one conviction then he's already done.

  7. Unfortunately Barr is Deep State. He's giving you just enough so you think he is on our side.

    Hope I'm wrong but wouldn't bet on it.


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