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Thursday, September 17, 2020

Sheriff in Pennsylvania switches to GOP, says 'Democratic Party has left me'

Westmoreland County Sheriff James Albert declared on Monday that he felt disenfranchised with the Democratic Party and was changing his affiliation to the Republican Party.

“As a lifelong public servant and member of law enforcement, I have not left the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party has left me,” Albert, 70, said, according to Trib Live.

“It was a really difficult decision and I’ve thought long and hard about it, but I feel I stand for the ideals of the Republican Party platform more than the Democrats today,” Albert said.

“I’ve been a lifelong Democrat, but a conservative Democrat at that,” he added. “I’m pro-life, a strong supporter of the Second Amendment, a lifetime member of the NRA (National Rifle Association) and, today, I feel my ideals are closer to the Republican Party than Democrats.”

Albert has spent more than 40 years in law enforcement, as a police officer, a county detective and a deputy sheriff before spending 26 years as a district judge. He was sworn in as county sheriff in 2019.



  1. Welcome Brother...... enjoy your stay. You won’t regret it.

  2. Still waiting on Trumps "better than Obamacare" health program. It's only been 4 years.

    1. 12:01 yea me too since I was one that lost their insurance because of Obamacare. Why don’t you ask Congress why nothing is being done? In the meantime because of Obamacare I’m paying $1100 a month for 3 people with a 10,000.00 deductible. So gtfoh trying to blame Trump. ๐Ÿ™„

  3. Ya just gotta say "When the party is over".

  4. Welcome, Sheriff. Many of us have seen the light over the last five years.

  5. There’s a lot more than you think too
    MarK my words

  6. Sheriff Ronnie Howard, you're next, right?

  7. Walk away ... it’s happening more than people realize. 12:01 troll all you want but I guarantee Trump will be your daddy for the next 4 years๐Ÿ˜‚


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