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Tuesday, September 01, 2020

Richmond VA's Mayor Stoney awarded $1.8M contract for Richmond's Confederate statue removal to firm linked to political donor

Mayor Levar Stoney agreed to pay a firm linked to one of his political donors $1.8 million to take down Richmond’s Confederate statues last month, a newly released record reveals.
The city contracted with NAH LLC to remove Richmond’s Confederate iconography during ongoing civil unrest, according to documents the Stoney administration provided in response to a Freedom of Information Act request.
The entity, created 10 days before Stoney ordered the statues’ removal, is a shell company linked to Team Henry Enterprises, a Newport News-based contracting firm owned by Devon Henry, a Stoney donor.
Under an emergency order, Richmond officials, including its director of procurement, said Stoney executed the contract in compliance with state law, even without following procedures outlined under the city’s emergency procurement rules.
On Friday, Richmond's top prosecutor declined a request from a City Councilwoman to investigate Mayor Stoney's handling of the 


  1. Northwest Woodsman: Why do I suspect that they are all negros?

  2. Gee. A black mayor who said he was running for all citizens of richmond. Not just the black community. Funny how all these years nothing was ever said about these statues. But now all the blacks are up in arms about it. Now he's going to spend 1.8 million dollars to tear them down?? Isn't that a great way to spend taxpayers money. Democrats are dumb enough. But black democrats are completely ASININE BAFFOONS.

  3. None of our historic statues should have ever been removed it is un American. And you can't erase history as much as Biden is trying to erase his long over 40 year history which he accomplished zero.

  4. This corruption must stop, using "any" means possible.

  5. You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours remains front and center!


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