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Saturday, September 05, 2020

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz says she was blocked from touring a Florida mail facility

Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., was denied access to two U.S. Postal Service mail sorting facilities Friday, saying she had arranged a tour amid questions regarding mail-in ballot efficiency as the presidential election looms.

The congresswoman was barred entry into both Opa-locka and Northwest Miami-Dade facilities by police tape blocking the entrances, along with security guards, according to a local news outlet that was on the scene for the scheduled 4 a.m. tour.

Wasserman Schultz said she received warnings and pictures from union members that claimed stacks of mail were just sitting in the facilities, with some dating back to at least July 23.

“This is an outrage, an absolute outrage,” Wasserman Schultz told NBC 6. “If they think they are going to throw a bed sheet over what’s going on behind these doors, they are mistaken.”


  1. Funny how if you never were allowed past the door you "saw" all that mail that was outdated! Funny how when I go to my local post office I can't peruse mail in the back room. Funny how this story is all make believe!

    Nice try, but try telling us a story we can believe, Curly!


  2. Debbie Wassername? was the DNC head who gave a Pakistani family jobs with access to House computer systems and accounts. When it became public they headed back home. Massive security issues but it was when Zero was at the helm, so ho-hum.

  3. She only emerges for publicity every four years, right around cheating time, when she, uh, cheats. This time she wanted to know where boxes and boxes of ballots for Biden and Harris could be "misplaced" in each big Florida post office so they could be "discovered" after November 2nd for counting.

  4. Where has this bitch been hiding?? Ever since she got caught with her hand in the till. She's been missing in action. What a waste the people who voted her into office.

  5. They probably didn't want her ugly mug scaring all the mail.

  6. Blabbermouth Schultz was the one that threatened the police who were investigating the Seth Rich murder because they had his laptop.

    So, Schultz, what was on that laptop that could be so dangerous?

  7. Maybe 2020-2024 will clear some of this Democrat slime from our futures.

  8. You mean this ole hag is still in office. What is the matter with voters?

  9. I'm sure she's a sight at 0400.

  10. I would ban her from anywhere. That fuzzy headed, ugly biotch is nothing but a liberal trouble maker.


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