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Saturday, September 05, 2020

Pregnant Australian mom arrested for Facebook post planning lockdown protest

A pregnant Australian mom was handcuffed and hauled away by cops in front of her children for planning a lockdown protest online, according to video footage and a report.

Police arrested Zoe Buhler, 28, for incitement at her home near Melbourne after she created a “Freedom Day” protest event on Facebook and urged people to come, according to the the Guardian.

Buhler, of Ballarat, created the since-deleted “Freedom Day Ballarat” event scheduled for 11 a.m. Saturday, proclaiming, “Please join us in our fight for freedom and human rights.”

Buhler is the fourth person to be charged with incitement in Victoria amid a crackdown on anti-lockdown protests in recent days.
The footage quickly went viral, with Liberal party politician Craig Kelly declaring, “This is what you’d expect to see in Nazi Germany.”

1 comment:

  1. This is what happens when the government does not fear the people.
    Freedom is when the government fears the people, tyranny is when people fear the government. Australians gave up their firearms years ago.


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