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Saturday, September 05, 2020

Nolte: Washington Post Says Election Will End in Violence Unless Biden Wins Landslide

The far-left Washington Post blackmailed the country Thursday with a threat framed as analysis that says only a landslide victory for Joe Biden can save us from violence.

Because the Post piece is both fake news and irresponsible, I’m not going to compound those sins by linking it here. The Post’s tweet advertising the piece (which I also won’t link) sums up the threat perfectly: “The election will likely spark violence — and a constitutional crisis,” the tweet reads. “In every scenario except a Biden landslide, our simulation ended catastrophically.”

Only a Biden landslide can save America from a national catastrophe.

In other words…

That’s a nice country you got there. Be a shame if anything happened to it.

The Post’s bald-faced threat is couched in a piece of analysis that does not even attempt to be serious, especially in a country where, as I write this, countless Democrat-run cities are on fire thanks to Black Lives Matter and Antifa, two left-wing terrorists groups who operate as Brownshirts for the Democrat Party and media outlets like the Washington Post — who regularly encourage and protect these domestic terrorists.

Even more ludicrous, the Post’s threat is only made possibly by way of its cherry-picking of “experts.”



  1. ahhhh

    who cares

    fear mongering again

  2. Pesky voters always get in the way of Biden, Clinton and Gore..

  3. any violence will be started by the idiot left. What they always seem to forget is that we have the guns.

  4. Bring your violence and we will respond

  5. When President Trump gets reelected. He won't be worried about anything at that point. I think he will have a nice surprise for these fool's if they start.

  6. What these clowns fail to realize is that the only thing that will actually save the country is a Trump landslide win!

    From everything that I am seeing - the Trump Landslide is well under way - all we need is every voter to go vote!

  7. Looks like more violence is coming because there's no way o'biden can possibly win, much less by a landslide. Nolte is just fishing for attention.

  8. "So the Transition Integrity Project asked six people who fucking hate Donald Trump something about Donald Trump and the answer is not looking so good for Donald Trump.

    Transition Integrity Project?

    More like the Transition Rigged Project."

    Nuff said.

  9. I say we start the violence with Clinton, Biden, and Gore.

  10. Bob Aswell ....RealistSeptember 6, 2020 at 9:29 AM

    All these sooth sayers give me a cramp in the ass. Let it come, Trump will still be the President. If this Country has to be reset on the path of right by force then most of the folks who know this crap is wrong are going to welcome it. I'm not going to run or agree with the rebels who are subversives and am still willing to defend the way of life our Constitution has outlined and me having the balls to say so is a broad statement that is the general consensus among those who won't see it perish at the hands of a gaggle of criminals. Most people have had enough. When the hardships of life occur on American soil by radical trash, they're barking up the wrong tree. Some will be injured, others killed. Contrary to the 'scare' tactics spewed by the vacuum heads, this Country has vanquished ALL the enemies of the State since it's inception and the good sense and strength of mind has prevailed and will in the future.

  11. Look at the Democrat Party.... Trump has broken them

  12. So what’s new. They won’t stop until we turn on them and clean their clock. Washington Post too.

  13. Just like in 2016, all the cry babies rioted and looted. Let the district thier own neighborhoods. Come to my neighborhood, please! I will exercise my 2nd amendment right. Please! Please! Make my day! Notice these cowards only attack those who are alone and not one on one, face to face.

  14. CHINA OWNS BIDEN. The company that was set up for HUNTER BIDEN bought several companies who were doing confidential contract work for our MILITARY. Stay tuned as more will be exposed before election day.

  15. It WONT end in violence if law enforcement sets the tone NOW!

  16. The first debate will show the major cracks in Biden that the dems tried to hide. By not denouncing BLM/ANTIFA violence and destruction by the dems, they have given away any chance at the White House. The more those idiots loot, burn, intimidate and scream and yell, the more voters who will flip for Trump.

  17. There won't be any debates. OBiden is coming down with the virus later this month.


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