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Monday, September 28, 2020

More than 100 arrested in Ocean City during 'unruly' rally; trooper knocked unconscious

Police in Ocean City arrested more than 100 people this past weekend.

Officials said people who attended the H2o popup rally became unruly and destructive throughout the night Saturday. Those arrested were charged with various criminal and traffic offenses.

Ocean City Police Chief Ross Buzzuro said the visitors were not car enthusiast, but rather were in town to "disrupt, destroy and disrespect our community and our law enforcement officers Our policing philosophy is to be friendly, fair and firm. Unfortunately, this disorderly behavior and unruly crowds left no choice but to shift out philosophy and take additional stapes to protect our officers and our community."

A 23 year old Norfolk, Virginia man was arrested and charged after he resisted arrest and knocked a State Police Officer unconscious.


  1. Kind of like when Trump supporters come into the cities to disrupt and cause violence then push the narrative that only Trump can restore "law and order". Mimicking directly the tactics used by the socialist party in Germany decades ago...

    1. say its not so TRUMP supporters?

    2. You are an idiot.

    3. Cleaned my weapons today when I washed my hands. I’m ready

    4. That has never happened tell me one time

    5. What world are you living in???

    6. Your comment has been proof read. Get the facts correct. Go Trump!

    7. See this troll right here everyone 10;01

      Deflection, lies deception is how the marxist excrement rolls.

      When in fact it is the anifta, blm and other leftist rioters using marxist playbook

      All because some participation trophy generation and whinny spolied ingrate snowflakes think karl marx is a hero...news flash he was a low life LOSERS. He never worked A-day in his life mooched off family & friends Everything he wrote from his poetry his plays and his babblings about communism are based from the dark nightmares of his sick mind. A puss boil boy, lazy, reclusive, ughly, Smelly, unsanitary some of his children died from his lack of sanitary conditions in his home. Hated his father despised his mother once she cut off his mooching.He hung out with other losers lazy worthless bums, Communist, atheists He never knew what it meant to work a farm or any hard labor. His only real connection with a working person was his maid who, he never paid,and he knocked up then denied he fathered a child by her. His sucker pal loser freind engles said it was his kid. (What a loser) His poems, plays, manifestos are all about his hatred for GOD anything good, pure, but yet embraced satanic ideals. Born in a jewish family who converted to lutheran, died a stupid, broke old athiest fool! THATS YOUR HERO!! Russia is the biggest graveyard to his legacy..that does not include the other nations implementing twisted failure of a system.

    8. The left relies on projection

    9. 10:01 I’m hoping that’s sarcasm because you cannot be that stupid🙄

    10. what cities did that take place in? Portland? Seattle? The CHOP zone? Chicago every weekend with Jussie Smollet? Lancaster? Rochester?

    11. You forget that Obama called for the creation of ANTIFA and not one Democrat ever criticized the group and refuse help in getting rid of them ... in short you’re an idiot

    12. are you smoking crack now or are you gonna smoke it later...

  2. I just don't get it why does this crap look like it's ok to anybody.

  3. SHAME YOU CAN'T PUT THEM ALL IN A BAG AND DUMP THEM SOMEWHERE (MAYBE BIDEN'S FRONT LAWN !) Disrespectful, self centered trash that has no direction. Shame on their parents !!!

    1. I love your idea! One nut job had to pay nearly $1000 to get his car out of the impound lot. That’s a lot of money. To put it in perspective, for this scumbag to get his car he had to pay $250 more than Trump’s average taxes!

  4. It is time for OC to have a dusk until dawn curfew with this mess. I think the police had things well in hand until some incidents Friday, and all of Saturday night (which was an absolute riot in every sense of the word.)

  5. Close down all nearby fuel sources.

    1. That is so stupid 12:16. Ocean City and near by residents need fuel also.

  6. 10:01 AM; are you doing drugs? Lesson: Trump supporters are conservatives, Biden supporters are radical liberal moon bats. Get the difference?

  7. September 28, 2020 at 10:01 AM

    You are a joke

  8. 1016 - back in the day Harry (Mayor) would round up degenerates stick them on a bus with a one way ticket. Lots of times to Wilmington and Philly.

    Problem solved

    (snicker snicker)

  9. 1052 - sounds great, who's going to enforce a 10 mile stretch of land with many hiding places?

    Surely not the OCPD and not at the additional expense of other eastern shore LEOs either. There is NO money for that.

    You (City Hall) frown upon anything these days, you reap whats sown. This is not the 20th Century where respect was instilled. Its the 21st Century - now 20 years into it....and many of those born in 2000 were here Wednesday-Sunday. Some earlier than Wednesday too.

    Visitors money was good enough for hotel (yeah, City Hall publicly stated these folks weren't welcome yet Hotels were packed. Seems communication lines from City Hall and the hospitality industry still sucks!) and other accommodations.

    Now official public ridicule from Chief Buzzuro - yeah thats fanning the flames. Buzzuro fanning, Rickie pouring gas and more soon to be emergency meetings on this debacle.

    City Swamp needs to be drained and cleaned before this gets even worse.

    Good news for now, no one shot, no businesses looted, no fires and no police vehicles burned. The mob mentality was there so be thankful THIS time none of the above happened.

    Next time our City might not be as lucky.

  10. Man all those white people hitting cops and nobody got shot. But I'm sure it's because all the good police were there😂😂

    1. @ 1:14 Check out the real statistics from the federal government about police shootings...more white and hispanics are shot than black people.

  11. 10:01. You are an idiot and you will get what you deserve.

  12. Anonymous said...

    Kind of like when Trump supporters come into the cities to disrupt and cause violence then push the narrative that only Trump can restore "law and order". Mimicking directly the tactics used by the socialist party in Germany decades ago...

    September 28, 2020 at 10:01 AM

    I don't know what you are smoking but you better put it down. It's making you see crazy things only a Liberal piece of trash can only see.

  13. Appreciate the effort from Law Enforcement. It just wasn't enough. These 'punks' were out to destroy our town, any property they could and people. Throwing bricks, rocks, stones and projectiles at Law Enforcement and people is wrong!
    The two-way towing didn't seem to deter these folks, as they save up for the fines and can pay cash.
    Why don't we try to tow their cars to an impound lot and leave it there until Monday? These 'punks' need to be tossed into jail and their cars not available for pickup. That would help the gridlock situations, squealing tires, racing, etc....No car...no problem.
    Law Enforcement was being pulled in many ways. They were unable to respond to calls, were 'boxed' in, were pelted with projectiles, and outnumbered. How were emergency crews expected to get to anyone that was injured? These 'punks' weren't the only ones in town and they impeded the ability to get to residents who could have been suffering from a heart attack or worse.
    The humorous part was the Hotels who rented to these 'punks' and then expected the police to show up ASAP because of destruction to the hotel property.
    Clearly another situation of the town officials letting the 'punks' run the town.
    We are now left with the mess and destruction left behind.
    Who's fault is this? We knew it was coming? We weren't completely prepared...why?

    1. 2:22
      Why don’t you just take care of it for us?
      Are your hands registered?

      If not, get them registered and take care of this situation for all of us.

  14. LOL....they want the money but not the foolishness that comes with it! Can’t have your cake and eat it too.

    1. Yea, I'm sure OC just can't wait for a bunch of punk ass, stoner kids with shitty cars to come spend all their money at McDonald's and WaWa.

  15. Told you all BAN this damn event from now on

    They have given too many events & No Better !

  16. Let the Police do their job correctly ad show these nuts who is boss. Adolph Hogan and his General Meehan should congratulate the Police and let them have free rein with the gas and batons.
    That idiot should be in intensive care for assaulting a Police Officer.

    This is the Eastern Shore and I will admit "rednecks" don't need these idiots and they will meet resistance.

  17. OC has the same mentality of the cities all over the country with the riots if they make the news media then it must be good for the country. Maybe we all need to boycott OC they knew this was going to be bad but did not shut it down before the weekend. Our peaceful little beach town sounds like thug city, and all is ok. Boycott don't attend any functions there for the remainder of this year and into warm weather.

    1. 4:23
      A suggestion?
      Or are you ordering us not to go to OC?

      Most of us are now accustomed to following idiotic orders. We just need clarification. For instance, restricting one’s ability to breathe is a dictate (statute). Wearing a seat belt is a dictate (statute). Are you ordering us to stay home now?

  18. Ban the criminals from Ocean City Permanently

    Punk BLM & Punk Cars Not Welcome Anymore !!

    1. Right, that makes a lot of sense there 445

    2. 4:45
      Great solution

      Just ban the criminals.

      If you are a criminal don’t visit OC
      Thank you for your participation

  19. We are seeing a generation without 👨 a Father.

    Their mothers gave them everything..... the schools gave them trophies for just showing up.

    they had very little if any discipline...

    The Courts, Jails and those in Police and Security have to jack them up when needed..

    Those punks are very fortunate that police officers showed great restraint....

  20. Meehan promised to change this. This year was at least as bad as last. It gets progressively worse every year. He did absolutely nothing when he knew the troubles we had on the boards in June and July. There's more coming, Ricky. PLEASE RESIGN IMMEDIATELY. You have proven year after year that you are not up to the task of protecting us. Please protect your legacy and step down before you get swept out of office in November. Most people have forgotten about how you tried to step on the Dumser's people due to your ego, sense of vengeance, and lack of negotiation skills. We know darn well you are just putting on a show about those monstrous windmills, and will do nothing to stop them. But we have absolutely had it with your boardwalk failure and H2Oi broken promises. Goodbye and good riddance in November.

    1. I will drink to that!!! Rickie Beerinhan is always drinking and not to celebrate. That's his legacy!

  21. Same thing ever year, and you keep letting them come back.Don't want to see anyone get hurt but they should take the whole town over.You want that dollar so you come on back.

  22. Lock up the other 500 , check the cameras !!
    run those Tags !!!

  23. 10:01, I don't know what Kool aid you've been drinking, but you probably should lay off it. Its affecting your reasoning abilities.

  24. Residents of O.C better stand up & Ban these
    events Permanently !!!

  25. easy solution

    put SPEED BUMPS up Baltimore and down Philadelphia

    this would result too..... in less Pedestrians being hit...

    and focus too on local stores as they drive by slowly

    1. 11:13
      Thank you for figuring out all of the solutions
      Hope you have good struts and shock absorbers

  26. You geezers crack me up. Remember how hard you all laughed when the kids in American Graffiti jacked up that patrol car? Now look at you- probably call for the pranksters to be shot on sight.

  27. 1:06 - Seems to me that a curfew would work.

    Remember when Baltimore had its riots?

    Remember when the Guard was deployed and a curfew was put in place?

    Baltimore has many more hiding places than OC, and it worked. I predict that all of the proactive policing along with the hate crimes legislation that Wayne Hartman is proposing will work well with a curfew.

  28. TO the COVID deniers, the anti-mask people , the anti isolate people, these H2Oi drivers have rights don't they?

    1. 10:09
      Of course they do
      Thanks for asking me

    2. 10:09 They sure do. They do not however have the right to break the law. I saw you today driving in your car alone with your mask on😂

  29. Eastern Shore boys will start kicking ASS
    the next time they come !!!

    Send them back where they came from with their tails between their legs !!! Bring it

    1. 11:18
      Have you registered your hands?

  30. I don't know 926 - setting up a plan of action before the action takes place. OC did it a few years ago when there was advertising via social media of a greek fest type gathering during one of the springtime weekends.

    This group use to go to VA BEACH but VA BEACH said hit the road. Their plan was OC, City Fail got wind of it, folks were very worried given what had happen in VA Beach prior, there was an abundance of over preparedness (this was before the new "special events category") and NO one showed up. Lots of LEOs but no bad element. Money utilized but nothing. Locals were very upset too.

    Double edged sword anytime Curfew or National Guard is brought up. Still not a bad idea, just the legal workings that needs to be done. WHICH City Fail has more than enough time to figure that out. Unless the rough housing returns Columbus Day weekend when cruisers (with lots of money to spend) are scheduled to be in town.

    Such a joke.

  31. Deport those arrested to Russia !!!

  32. Racist car club needs to be Banned forever !!

  33. Covid hit no money for oc .. raise the fines to pay more cops .. i work for nasa.. lmao i say fire any one over 58 that has no hot rod or street glide in there garage..

  34. Should be NO BAIL for all of them !!!


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