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Thursday, September 10, 2020

MORE BAD NEWS FOR DEMOCRATS: 17% of Likely Trump Voters Less Likely to Let Others Know About Their Vote

Oh No Slow Joe!

More bad news for Democrats and liberal pollsters–
Seventeen percent of Trump voters — nearly one in five likely Trump voters — are less likely to let others know about their vote.

Rasmussen reported:

Trump voters appear to be hiding their vote again this election cycle.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 17% of Likely U.S. Voters who Strongly Approve of the job President Trump is doing say they are less likely to let others know how they intend to vote in the upcoming election. By comparison, just half as many (8%) of those who Strongly Disapprove of the president’s performance say the same.

Fifty-nine percent (59%) of those who Strongly Approve are More Likely to tell others whom they plan to vote for compared to previous presidential campaigns. But that compares to 66% of voters who Strongly Disapprove. (To see survey question wording, click here.)



  1. I’m not voting for him. Lol Go Trump!

  2. More than that baby !!!

    We are silent now & vote later at the right time !!!

  3. Polls mean Nothing > Proven last time 2016 !!

  4. But the democrats will cheat. The Dem / china colusion is real

  5. Like playing poker-you don’t show you hand!

  6. Hundreds of thousands of Union members will be voting for Trump also but may not admit it. Trump is the only president in at least the 45 years that I've been voting who has actually done things for the blue collar workers and not just blow smoke up our asses for votes. Renegotiating NAFTA, which clinton championed and promoted as a great labor deal was actually a job killer for American workers, is just one of several things Trump has done for us. Negotiating and increasing import tariffs is another. Union workers are tired of their elected officials promoting the whole democratic party line even when idiots are all they have to offer. I'm retired now but I still care.
    TRUMP 2020

  7. Like many many others,I will not openly divulge who i am supporting. I am tired of being victimized and vandalized O'Biden types.

  8. Just as we did in 2016. Standing in line to vote in 2016. You knew who were the TRUMP voter's compared to the Hillary one's. TRUMP voter's were smiling. Hillary voter's were as miserable as always.


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