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Friday, September 11, 2020

MCE Palmer Gillis Entrepreneur of the Year Award

Maryland Capital Enterprises empowers businesses to grow, create jobs, and generate wealth on Maryland's Eastern Shore and across the state. 

Maryland Capital Enterprises is proud to nurture and encourage entrepreneur growth on the Eastern Shore. MCE is now accepting nominations for the 9th Annual MCE Palmer Gillis Entrepreneur of the Year Award. The award will be presented to the winner and two runners up in person, however due to Covid 19 we will not be able to host our Awards Banquet this year. Nomination Deadline is 5:00 p.m. Friday, October 16th , 2020. 

The winner will receive the MCE Palmer Gillis Entrepreneur of the Year Award and a check. 

Award Eligibility Criteria: 
• Must be a small business owner/majority partner involved in daily operation of the business 
• The business must be located in the Wicomico, Worcester, Somerset, Kent, Queen Anne, Talbot, Caroline or Dorchester County 
• The company must employ 100 employees or less 
• The business must have been established locally for two years 
• It must be a “for profit” business 
• The business must be good standing with the State of Maryland https://www.marylandcapital.org/about/entrepreneur-of-the-year-nomination


  1. lmao, must be in good standing with eoples republic of maryland. in other words a DemonicRat!

    1. Ha! Any business that doesn’t try to get Republican AND Democrat money is a fool

  2. I nominate Hemphill's Seafood in Worcester. The seafood is the freshest around and that man works hard.

  3. Once the devil. Now the prodical son?? Please!!
    When you get award's?? It means who did you pay off??

  4. Bought and paid for!!

  5. Palmer Gillis... “I’m choking my food down with those Trump flags around.” Paraphrasing of course. That guy is an underhanded snake in the grass. Beware!

  6. Anonymous said...
    Palmer Gillis... “I’m choking my food down with those Trump flags around.” Paraphrasing of course. That guy is an underhanded snake in the grass. Beware!

    September 11, 2020 at 5:22 PM

    And let's not forget his Douche Bag son, Brad Gillis and his partners Douche Bag son Joey Gilkerson.

    Both are tools for Mike Dunn and Jake Day. That is why they are pushing for Carl Anderton to be appointed as the County Executive so they can get some county freebies tossed at them.


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