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Monday, September 28, 2020

Man who defied governor's order by holding bonfire sentenced

A Charles County man will serve one year in jail for violating the governor's state of emergency executive order.

In March, police were called twice to respond to Shawn Myers' home in Hughesville, where he threw a party with more than 50 people. Gov. Larry Hogan's executive order banned large gatherings of any kind.

The second time police responded to his home, Myers became argumentative and told his guests to stay.

Prosecutors announced Myers was convicted Friday after a bench trial on two counts of failure to comply with an emergency order.

Myers, 42, was also sentenced to serve three years of probation upon release from jail.


  1. Nonsense! Plain nonsense! And rioters and looters get off scot-free!

  2. So they are taking possession of his body, but none of his currency? It seems likely that the State would want to steal the man’s wages in addition to possessing his body.

    I guess it’s not about money.
    It’s about power and control.

  3. how much time will rioters get???????????? NOTHING!!!!!!!

  4. A year in jail for failure to comply and afterwards 3 years probation.

    This doesn't pass the smell test. There must be a history behind handing down a year in the poke and not just for failure to comply. He pissed in someone's cornflakes and this failure was a avenue to finally nail him.

    You'd think a fine and on his way. Nope, Charles County didn't want his money, someone wanted him jailed.

  5. An appeal is due for sure

  6. There it is NAZI FACISM IN MD.

    Unlawful /illegal orders are not be be followed..ZIG HEIL!!

    FREE Shawn MYERS!!!

  7. It hurts but again do what your told, not what you think your entitled to. At his age he ought to know better.

    1. 3:04 you are a follower through and through, meaning "unable to think and survive on your own" You are definitely a shepherd's pet sheep. You must be proud. SMH

    2. 3:04
      That was a joke right?
      What are you 4 years old?
      Repeating Mommie’s words?


  8. Bad citizen. No parties or bonfires. Shouldn't he be hung in the town square? You don't get to break the law. You obey commands or death. Good thing we live in a freedom and freedom country huh. Meanwhile cops in utah shot a 13 year old autistic kid nearly to death becuase he wasnt listening to them. That kid should know better, must obey the commands or death.

  9. Did Adolph Hogan have the authority, since this emergency order was virus related and there was no law passed by the Legislature that made it Constitutional?

    Appears this whole incident was an example of Adolph Hogan's Gestapo / Brown shirt tactics of COMMUNISM.

  10. So wait here a minute - you buy drugs from kids at school as a teacher you get 10 days, but host a bonfire, get a year?


  11. He was burning logs and not building. Otherwise it would be permitted.

  12. Trump should have built his wall out of Hillary CLinton and riots because then no one would ever get over it.

  13. get a good lawyer, something does not add up here..... maryland can be soooo leftest at times... and the powers to be be can be somewhat like a czar..... getting drunk on power ....


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