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Tuesday, September 08, 2020

Kenosha Prosecutor Proves Kyle Rittenhouse's Case

I downloaded and read the charges filed against Kyle Rittenhouse by Kenosha assistant district attorney Angelina Gabriele. If I were on the jury and read only the D.A.'s side of the story, I would acquit Rittenhouse for the most serious charges without even listening to his side. The only one that looks to me as if it could have merit is "possession of a dangerous weapon by a person under 18," which is a misdemeanor.

Let's start with Rittenhouse's first assailant, Joseph D. Rosenbaum. If this is Joseph Don Rosenbaum from Arizona, he served prison time, which is usually consistent with a felony conviction. I was unable to confirm from AZ or WI records that he was a sexual offender, as some have claimed. The following is not Rittenhouse's side of the story as told by himself or his attorney; it is the prosecutor's side of the story. The "probable cause" portion of the document says (I am copying from an OCR transcription of the original PDF document so the accuracy might not be 100%, and emphasis is mine):

Following the defendant is Rosenbaum ... The video shows that as they cross the parking lot, Rosenbaum appears to throw an object at the defendant. The object does not hit the defendant and a second video shows, based on where the object landed, that it was a plastic bag.



  1. Weapon charge will not stick with out having the felony’s.
    Nice to see all the patriots protesting in front of the jail. Oh wait that’s not happening they are home watching tv with their wife’s secretly pretending to be “ ready” because “ civil war “ is coming. Give me a break. City’s have been burning for weeks, lockdowns and patriot clowns are in sams club wearing paper mask. Lol.

    1. Excellent comment and so true.

    2. You have to be tbat left wack Lunatic Josh Hastings

      or that wife swapper John Wright of the Unitarian Fellowship

      Militia is on stand-by.... we are nuts like you two

    3. Those cities burning should have their “own” patriots. Why should anyone else fight their battle if they’re not willing to fight themselves?

  2. Self Defense. he's innocent...true Patriots respect the law, but make no mistake if threatened will defend till death.. which means the left will lose...

  3. Inept and incompetent mayors and governors have totally lost control. The National Guard should move in and take charge; citizens and real property are at risk and liberals are doing nothing about it.

  4. 9:56

    The Patriots are home watching the libtards burn down their own cities.

    Keep the popcorn flowing!

  5. 9:56

    Although the MSM doesn't cover it, the minute these childish idiot protesters start to go outside the dumbocrat run cities, they get crushed by normal citizens that will protect their property.

    These pussy protestors only protest where the dumbocrat local government will look the other way.



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