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Thursday, September 24, 2020

Hunter Biden received $3.5M wire transfer from Russian billionaire: Senate report

Hunter Biden received a $3.5 million wire transfer from Elena Baturina, the richest woman in Russia and the widow of Yury Luzhkov, the former mayor of Moscow, Senate Republicans revealed in their report on the younger Biden’s work in Ukraine.

Baturina is referenced in the 87-page report, which was released Wednesday, addressing her payment to Biden’s investment firm in early 2014.

“Baturina became Russia’s only female billionaire when her plastics company, Inteko, received a series of Moscow municipal contracts while her husband was mayor,” it said in providing background on the businesswoman.

The report described her involvement with Biden as “a financial relationship,” but declined to delve deeper into why the wire transfer was made.

The probe also found that Baturina sent 11 wires transfers between May and December 2015 to a bank account belonging to BAK USA, a tech startup that filed for bankruptcy in March 2019.



  1. There is nothing here. Hunter was just fortunate to earn lucrative contracts worth millions all around the world. Papa Joe had nothing to do with it :)

  2. Nothing to see here because Trump colluded with Moscow. Lol

  3. Biden is with and a big part of the far left . He is a pawn in the hand of Obama and Clinton . He doesn't know shit from apple butter and is a very sick minded person.
    If I were Trump I would arrest him and consider him a threat to our country . Trump should never step down , even if the media says he lost .
    Trump has put up with more bullshit in last 5 years than anyone running for office. The communist media CNN,MSNBC , CBS , and many others have tried to crucify him for nothing . They have brainwashed the young and lied to every American. We can settle this the hard way or the simple way , either way the left will lose.

  4. The link doesn't work.

    1. You have a Google bar. Just Google the story. Computers can't be perfect all the time.

  5. Obama instituted an executive privilege by allowing the sitting President to bypass the 4th Amendment (search and seizure) and kill anyone he deems an "enemy of the state."

  6. Bet the democrats have no problem with this!!!

  7. All because some participation trophy generation and whinny spolied ingrate snowflakes think karl marx is a hero...news flash he was a low life LOSERS. He never worked A-day in his life mooched off family & friends Everything he wrote from his poetry his plays and his babblings about communism are based from the dark nightmares of his sick mind. A puss boil boy, lazy, reclusive, ughly, Smelly, unsanitary some of his children died from his lack of sanitary conditions in his home. Hated his father despised his mother once she cut off his mooching.He hung out with other losers lazy worthless bums, Communist, atheists He never knew what it meant to work a farm or any hard labor. His only real connection with a working person was his maid who, he never paid,and he knocked up then denied he fathered a child by her. His sucker pal loser freind engles said it was his kid. (What a loser) His poems, plays, manifestos are all about his hatred for GOD anything good, pure, but yet embraced satanic ideals. Born in a jewish family who converted to lutheran, died a stupid, broke old athiest fool! THATS YOUR HERO!! Russia is the biggest graveyard to his legacy..that does not include the other nations implementing twisted failure of a system.

    1. Marx was from a long line of Rabbis and the family was wealthy. Communism is Talmudic Judaism.

  8. Russians are interfering to get Trump reelected you idiot

    1. You sir are the idiot!! They both are dirty and need to be prosecuted .China/Ukraine

    2. 6:25 lmao you still hanging onto that theory? Bless your heart. People like you are the reason we need IQ tests to vote and procreate.

  9. Both Daddy & Son Biden belong in PRISON !!!

  10. And again nothing will ever happen

  11. The problem is that the Biden's are just the tippy tip of the iceberg.

    Washington is corrupt. Trump is not. That's why they hate him.

  12. Hunter needs to be prosecuted now not later and Dad Joe needs to be impeached and removed as the Democratic Candidate to the highest office in the land you can't seriously keep putting off the inevitable.

  13. Anyone with a IQ over 60 knows JOE BIDEN was selling influence to the WHITE HOUSE THROUGH HIS SON HUNTER BIDEN..

  14. Biden the SPY gets paid well for being a
    Traitor of America !! Along with Daddy who
    is China's Spy !!!

  15. Plenty of PROOF on BOTH Bidens , Yet Nothing
    done about it , to this day !!!

    Democrats are treated as if THEY ARE Above
    the Law , & this Must END 2020 !!!

  16. Proves Biden is Owned by the Russians !! SPY

  17. No turning Back , he took $$$ from the Devil

  18. ONLy Reported on OAN News (Direct TV) NOT on
    cable Democrat controlled news CBS,ABC & rest

    WHY ?? is Biden & Daddy NOT in Jail or Prison by now, when this has been known along time now ????

    Biden should be DIS-QUALIFIED from election !

  19. What would happen if Trump had done that ???

    WE ALL know , things would be MUCH different!


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