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Saturday, September 12, 2020

Governor Hogan Statement on Maryland’s Legal Action Against the EPA

ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Larry Hogan issued the following statement after a number of states—including Maryland—announced legal action against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for its failure to hold certain states accountable for polluting the Chesapeake Bay:

“Earlier this year, I directed the Attorney General to take this legal action in keeping with our generational responsibility and shared obligation to enhance, protect, and restore the Chesapeake Bay. The Bay is a national treasure, and our administration has committed an historic $5 billion toward its restoration. We will continue to work together across state and party lines—holding everyone to account—to meet our restoration goals and obligations.”

NOTE: On January 8 of this year, Governor Hogan directed Attorney General Frosh to pursue legal action to protect Chesapeake Bay restoration efforts. Read the letter here.


  1. Don't care, your RINO ass is out of here next election. The democrats aren't voting for you and conservatives aren't either. I'll be voting for a democrat because if I'm going to be lied to by a hate America first candidate I'd rather have them be up front with it.

  2. Sending your communist dog froshole to sue Trump at every turn isnt considered "continue to work together".

  3. It's over for you hogan
    Your done

  4. Hogan & Maryland better worry about people's
    Unemployment & Stimulus $$$$ & make that
    the PRIORITY !!!


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