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Wednesday, September 09, 2020

Fraternal Order of Police unanimously votes to endorse Pres. Trump

WASHINGTON D.C. (WJW) — The Fraternal Order of Police has unanimously voted to endorsePresident Donald Trump for reelection.

National President Patrick Yoes shared the announcement on Friday.

“Look at what the national discourse has focused on for the last six months. President Trump has shown time after time that he supports our law enforcement officers and understands the issues our members face every day,” said Yoes. “The FOP is proud to endorse a candidate who calls for law and order across our nation. He has the full and enthusiastic support of the FOP.”

He said the FOP considered both 2020 presidential candidates’ records along with responses they received from the campaigns in their questionnaire. That information was then shared with the more than 355,000 members of the FOP.



  1. Ray Charles said “I seen that one coming “

  2. They'd be stupid to keep blindly going Democrat.

  3. Any law enforcement officer who knows Harris's law enforcement record won't be touching that hot mess as any kind of law and order candidate.

    1. No doubt considering she said Jacob was a great man and the shooting was bad and admitted not knowing any of the facts or evidence.

  4. Along with the rest of America > the Real America !!!

  5. Trump has always respected the police as he has all first responders, it doesn't mean bad police shouldn't answer to the laws they break. We should all respect the Police as a rule without them the riots you are seeing would have all those cities burned to the ground, all cities would be bankrupt, more people would loose jobs, and there wouldn't be enough body bags to go around. If the Democrats that are stirring everything up had their own compounds and homes in the line of fire, Pelosi, Schumer, and Schiff they would be making their first call to the Police Dept in their city ASAP. It's a fact when you need help you call, it can happen to anyone.

  6. Well any idiot with half a brain can figure that one out

  7. The local (Wicomico County) FOP is weak.They have the interest of the All The administrators at heart instead of the men and women on the streets keeping everybody safe. The FOP will never stand up to the Sheriff or Chiefs of other departments. They will always side with them and not do what a union is suppose too,protect their members and have their interest at the top.

    1. Solution....... don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

  8. White Lives Matter Endorses Trump along with Real America !!!!


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