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Thursday, September 03, 2020

Fox News airs secret audio of Chris Cuomo discussing sexual harassment allegations

CNN host Chris Cuomo may have been accused of sexual harassment, Tucker Carlson claimed after airing secret audio of his cable news rival Tuesday night on Fox News.
Newsweek reports Carlson played a clip that was purportedly recorded by President Donald Trump’s former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, during a private conversation with Cuomo. The “Cuomo Prime Time” host and younger brother of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo is allegedly heard saying other reporters have contacted him asking if he was accused of sexual harassment.


  1. Sounds like a propagandist multimillionaire Democrat. Isn’t this the guy who was Covid-19 positive with symptoms out of his home with friends and family walking the ground of his new mansion?

  2. Gotta love Tucker and can’t stand either co mo, But who cares about his life or him?


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