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Friday, September 11, 2020

Flight canceled after feud about toddler not wearing face mask

A Canadian flight was canceled after a feud with a family over their young children not wearing masks on a flight.

Safwan Choudhry said crew members approached the family on the WestJet flight Tuesday from Calgary to Toronto about putting masks on their 3-year-old and 19-month-old daughters, CBC News reported.

“It started with my toddler and once we got a mask on her, they turned to my 19-month-old infant and said ‘every person on the plane has to wear a mask or the plane can’t take off,'” Choudhry said.

Choudhry said they complied and put the mask on their 3-year-old and tried to get one on their youngest daughter, though the rules only require passengers above the age of two to wear one.

“We were surprised to learn our 19-month-old daughter needed to be wearing a mask,” he said.
“Of course, being desperate to get home, we — despite there not being such a policy — opted to comply until she was crying hysterically, with the crew watching over us, until she threw up, at which point they told us you all need to get off the plane.”


  1. Disgusting. Also, mask don’t work.

  2. The new democrats facist nazi america

    If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever.

    George Orwell, 1984

  3. Feud: a prolonged and bitter quarrel or dispute.
    The Hatfields and McCoys had a feud. Davis and Crawford had a feud. Twenty minutes of arguing isn't a feud, it's an argument.

  4. Mask are bad for you

  5. And masks don't work to stop the spread of any disease including Covid-19. Don't take my word for it, just read the box they are sold in. It says so right there.

    So, why are we wearing them? Because of an emergency order? The SC has thrown that out at least 10 times since 1860, so no, not that either. The curve is flat, the ER is empty, the virus has morphed hundreds if not thousands of times since January.

    Do you really believe in your heart that a virus that got out in China and made it all the way around the world including to our home towns in 1 1/2 months SEVEN MONTHS AGO has not been exposed to you? You have been exposed, and you either got sick from it or you didn't.

    It's OVER, you guys! Get on with your lives!

  6. September 12, 2020 at 7:47 AM
    Do you really believe in your heart that a virus that got out in China and made it all the way around the world including to our home towns in 1 1/2 months

    You are a moron if you don't believe that this can spread that fast from other places. You obviously do not know history, like the flu pandemic and how that all started and ended.

  7. @803 No, you're just a sheep. Baaaah. Baaaaah.


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