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Wednesday, September 09, 2020

Facebook paying some users to stop using website ahead of election as part of study

Facebook is paying some users to deactivate their accounts up to six weeks before the 2020 presidential election,

The effort is part of a new research project Facebook announced in an Aug. 31 blog post to "better understand the impact of Facebook and Instagram on key political attitudes and behaviors during the U.S. 2020 elections."

"We'd like to know how much you'd need to be paid in for deactivating your Instagram account...in late September for either [one] week or [six] weeks," an Instagram notice to users reads in a screenshot Dwoskin posted to Twitter. "To participate, you must be willing to deactivate your account for both time periods and not use Instagram during that time."



  1. Well they have thrown me off several times. Now they have locked me out completely. All because I support and post for President Trump. The Lilly WHITE libutards report you for ANYTHING. They can't argue FACTS so they attack. I would be in battle with 10 libutards and kicking their ass. So they report you to get you thrown off so you can't defend the President with FACTS!!

    1. F off SuckAberg of FacebookSeptember 9, 2020 at 7:01 PM

      same here Bro

      I opened up another account with a new E mail

      lots of Deplorables are being disabled with Facebook accounts.... destroying all photos ect for posting Trump support

    2. I opened up a new as well. But they keep wanting a cellphone#. So when I put mine in they say it's already under another account. So they have me banned. No problem. Once President Trump wins again. Who needs FB??

  2. Facebook has no impact on anyone’s opinion no matter how much they believe they do but the fact they’re researching on how to do it is alarming

    1. really you havent seen such gullible people as the ones on facebook. Its really an amusement park for us just to see the stupid stuff they post

  3. This is an attempt to try to argue that fakebook doesn't have any influence on the election.
    I'm sure those that are being paid are not going to report accurately.

    Fakebook is going to get sued for illegal political activity.

  4. Facebook is actively throttling conservative content. Restricting Trump advertising as “false” or “unproven” while
    they are promoting SJW left wing propaganda and fake news. Truthfully it’s oxymoronic crap like “Peaceful riots”.
    Consider the “needs” of looters. Etc, etc ad nauseum.
    Sucker berg is a communist. Facebook is his kibbutz.

  5. How are we going to be influenced by the Russians if we dont watch FB. I guess it will be like last time, they held a gun to my head and said vote Trump

  6. Facebook is a private entity and we can choose to partake or not.

    1. 1029.... you sound like Charlie Browns mother

      waaa waaa waaa waaa waaa waaa

  7. 10:29

    Facebook is violating election laws

  8. Where do I sign up? I don't need fb, I get my news from Tucker Carlson & Joe Albero


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