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Saturday, September 12, 2020

DOJ: 57 people, including NFL athlete, involved in trying to steal $175 million through COVID-19 program

A Justice Department official said tens of millions of dollars meant for businesses and their workers in a coronavirus-relief program were stolen.

Acting Assistant Attorney General Brian Rabbitt said Thursday that the alleged thefts targeted some $175 million in the Paycheck Protection Program.

Losses have involved over $70 million, but Justice officials have recovered and frozen over $30 million, and that total is expected to rise, Rabbitt said.

The crimes included a $24 million scheme allegedly linked to NFL player Joshua J. Bellamy, 31, of St. Petersburg, Florida, who was released by the New York Jets on Tuesday.

"Bellamy is alleged to have obtained a PPP loan of $1,246,565 for his own company, Drip Entertainment LLC," DOJ officials said. "Bellamy allegedly purchased over $104,000 in luxury goods using proceeds of his PPP loan, including purchases at Dior, Gucci, and jewelers. He is also alleged to have spent approximately $62,774 in PPP loan proceeds at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel and Casino, and to have withdrawn over $302,000. Bellamy also allegedly sought PPP loans on behalf of his family members and close associates."


  1. Their mothers must be proud of the person they reared to become the living scum they are today.

  2. Betrayal Lies and Murder

  3. So when are they going afterr Congress?

  4. Pelosi's husbands business got some of that money and so did all of Soros companies. Democrats gave to their own. Small business owners were getting nothing. They were denied. PPP loans were a sham to help out the rich that the banks take care of. Small business can go bust as far as the Democrats are concerned. How can they make the country a New World Order if they can not get control of the people, property and money in the U.S.

  5. Gets paid more than 90% of America to play a GAME and still can't control his inner thug. Lie, cheat and steal is all they know.

  6. This is where Black Lives Never Matter!


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