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Tuesday, September 08, 2020

Denver Black Lives Matter Mobs Swarming Restaurants, Harassing Diners With Their Tantrums… AGAIN (VIDEO)

Black Lives Matter mob is roaming through Denver and harassing restaurant patrons.

Black Lives Matter has becoming increasingly less focused on protesting police, and more interested in harassing the general public.

Approximately 75 rioters also entered Union Station to scream at people who were dining and having drinks.

Local reporter Marc Sallinger wrote on Twitter that the “group is moving out from Larimer Square now. Some people got into some small yelling confrontations with people eating dinner at restaurants outside, yelling asking them if they support BLM. Larimer St is filled with expensive restaurants which all have tables outside now”


  1. We’re still voting Trump so what now ? lol

  2. I’m surprised the concept of private clubs hasn’t made a resurgence this way you can control who comes in and keep out the riff raff

  3. You know. One of these nights they may come up on the wrong restaurant.

  4. There's enough evidence and activity to support designating this group as a domestic terrorist organization!

    The DOJ (or whoever the correct designating agency is) should do this soon so we can start rounding them up and putting them in jail where they belong!

  5. The democrats have lost control of their "protesters" !!

  6. Joe,

    If I click "More", I get a link that says "share Denver Black Lives Matter..." and then lists a ton of social media sites and apps. Why?

  7. You know,,,enough is enough. I get the right to "peacefully" protest, but getting into someone's space is the limit. It makes me angry when I read and see this happening. In fact I get so angry I imagine how I would react...it isn't civil and I am sure I would be arrested. This is NOT healing race relations and in my case only embitters me. I believe in equality and racial justice but when someone gets in one's face yelling and acting a fool I lose it. MAGA! Like never before.

  8. What's with the links for "more" taking me to a list of sharing apps? At least two of them have done this., this link and one other.

  9. 926 - yeah I've had the same issue, especially on the phone.

    I'm sure Joe's team will fix it. It was a hellava weekend to end the turons season. Now our season has begun.

  10. Northwest Woodsman: My worst nightmare is that all of my dire predictions here for the last year or so are coming true. Soon this weak dam will burst so be ready.

  11. Shoot the bastards! That'll slow them down when all else fails.

  12. And anyone who pulls a Steven Segal & kicks some serious BLM butt will be the first one arrested.It's like we're being dared to defend ourselves.

  13. The BLM thugs are cowards. Notice how they surround only elderly citizens with obese members for protection before the asshat in charge harasses the white senior citizen just minding their own business. They are too scared to pick on a grown white male.

  14. Somebody needs to Kick their Asses !!!!

  15. Made comment earlier, not published, about more link taking us to apps, now the headline says video but no link (more) has been removed. Could you at least list source so those of us who wish to can see the videos of these jerks, thanks.

  16. There will come a day that someone is attacked,harassed and abused and they are going to have a case of temporary insanity and shoot them.
    You cannot fight violence with peace and love.

    1. And the Devil was thrown out of HeavenSeptember 9, 2020 at 7:21 PM

      You are correct 716

      Our Lord and Savior armed his Angels to fight evil

  17. Northwest Woodsman: You are correct 7:16 and I agree wholeheartedly. Appeasement only results in more outrageous demands. Time to put an end to this nonsense and eliminate the threat. My required annual security briefing provides a list of threats that I need to be constantly aware of and defend against and that includes domestic terrorists. I am even armed at this very moment. Someone once asked me if I slept with a gun beside my bed and my response was “Doesn't everyone?”

  18. Time to fight back. Stop sitting there and taking it. Go online and get some bear spray. Hit them right in the eyes with it next time and they will think twice before doing it again.


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