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Wednesday, September 02, 2020

De Blasio hints indoor dining won't return in NYC until COVID-19 Vaccine

The resumption of indoor dining in New York Cityhinges on a “huge step forward” — like the development of a coronavirus vaccine, Mayor Bill de Blasio said Monday.

The mayor sounded less than optimistic that eatery owners and workers would be able to start earning a living again — and diners able to enjoy a meal inside an eatery — before the June 1, 2021, return date, set earlier this month.

“We do expect — and pray for and expect — a vaccine in the spring that will allow us to get more back to normal,” he said at his daily press briefing, “but I will absolutely tell you, we’re going to keep looking for that situation where we can push down the virus enough where we would have more ability to address indoor dining.”

De Blasio’s grim message came despite the city recording a 0.59 percent COVID-19 infection rate — “one of our lowest” rates since March, he said Monday.

It’s also in contrast to neighboring New Jersey, which just announced that restaurants would reopen for indoor dining at 25 percent capacity starting Friday. Every other region in New York state, including the neighboring Long Island and Westchester suburbs, have had some indoor dining in place for weeks.

Still, de Blasio said the city’s continuous low infection rates aren’t enough.

“Is there a way where we can do something safely with indoor dining? So far we have not had that moment, honestly,” he said.



  1. For some reason it was determined to shut down NY City semipermanent. My guess is because it is the financial center of the US?

    The pivot toward a communist society is moving along without any real resistance at all in America. The elites know exactly what they are doing. Very good at it too.

    1. Exactly like the dude that previously held us hostage from our own White House. We know he was the worst of the worst, but also actually did the job as planned to destroy America. The turd did succeed in what he wanted, which was what we are looking at today. BUT, “they” blame Trump. :( You hide and watch, everything they blame on republicans, they are doing themselves.

  2. If schools are ok and safe, so is a restaurant. Actually that seems safer. People need to wake up and see covid is being used as a weapon. They are controlling what they want too, and destroying small business and small money. Then the 1 percent, people like Warren Buffet, will come in and buy property for pennies to the dollar and use the one percent Govn't loan to pay for it. We are screwed if we continue to comply. It is time to open things up and take back America from these morons. I am afraid things as we know them will never be the same. Trump 20/20.

    1. The president is doing what is needed, the problem is he has no or very little help. Even his on side, the good man is a one man show. As politicians always say, we have more to do. Well hell yes, more of the swamp to clean out. Go Trump!

  3. Ahhh...Larry on the Corner adjusted things for Memorial Day/July 4th and now labor day. he will pull back afterward just like before after the CASH intake from OC.


  4.  what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? let them take arms. the remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon & pacify them. what signify a few lives lost in a century or two? the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. it is it’s natural manure.

  5. If you want a laugh google up how DiBlasio killed a ground hog and now they won't let him near the NY ground hog on ground hog day, google up his real name, he is a bona fide nazi.

  6. De Blah Blah Blah remains jealous since his Gov (whom he works for) has received so much airtime (nationally) during the last 180 days.

    De Blah Blah Blah is a worthless Putz

  7. Just keep chasing all your citizens right out of the city there bozoo

  8. 10:57 Is exactly correct.

    DeBlasio's real name is Warren Wilhelm Jr. Sieg Heil!

  9. This is what you lib dems voted for.

  10. Anothr jerk, those New Yorkers must be stupid to have elected this dirt bag. A complete idiot who lives like a King!

  11. Cdc refuses to do a control study on mask stopping the spread of covid but have 1000s on wearing a dirty and getting sick from it. Nancy doesn’t wear a mask and joe hasn’t been tested

  12. Have you every seen such a waste as this turd? Fred G Sanford would label him a big dummy and be 100% correct.

  13. Lock up his ass & get him Finally out of the way !!! Feds in Charge !!!


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