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Thursday, September 03, 2020

Cuomo says Trump would need ‘army’ to safely walk New York City streets

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo responded Wednesday night after President Trump threatened to pull federal funding from New York City -- as well as Washington, D.C.; Seattle, and Portland, Ore. -- as part of an effort to target “anarchist jurisdictions.”
“He can’t have enough bodyguards to walk through New York City,” Cuomo said. “Forget bodyguards, he'd better have an army if he thinks he’s going to walk down the streets in New York.
“He is persona non grata in New York City, and I think he knows that, and he'll never come back to New York, because New Yorkers will never forget how gratuitously mean he has been,” Cuomo added.
Both Cuomo, 62, and Trump, 74, are natives of the Queens borough of New York City.
Cuomo reportedly later clarified he was not threatening the president but rather expressing how disliked he believes Trump is by New Yorkers, according to Politico.


  1. Sounds like a THREAT from the Mafia Don of New York !!!

    Remove Cuomo from office & teach him WHO is Boss !!! The POTUS

    I am shure Trump can easily walk down ANY street ANYWHERE in USA

  2. That POS sounds like Biden. Real tough guy grandpa. You would need an army to get people to go to NY. People are leaving tough guy. You were begging people to come back like a little bitch two weeks ago.

  3. There will be a popularity contest on November 3rd. Let's see who wins...

  4. It was a threat toward President Trump and anyone else would now be in jail for saying the same thing. Who in the hell does Cuomo think he is anyway? Cuomo is the one who should never be allowed to hold a public office ever again and what is wrong with you New Yorkers, remove him from office now.

  5. Cuomo is such a doofus! Any law abiding New Yorker would need an army to get down those streets safely.
    Maybe Trump should send the national Guard in since Cuomo declared it not safe!

  6. No one can safely walk the streets of your POS city because you are stupid enough to defund your police force πŸ˜œπŸ’©

  7. Agree 10:49 - should be investigated as a threat. If we said something like that if would be considered one.

  8. You know, it's funny, but he just happens to have an army, a navy, an air force, a coast guard and corps of marines to be called upon in times when the nation is threatened by forces within or without its borders.

  9. The idiot just admitted his failure in his state... that people cannot walk safely on his streets

  10. If it is unsafe for the President to walk the streets in New York, how about the private citizen? Cuomo needs a sex change to be the man he was born. Or, may need some psychiatry to align his thought process.

  11. Cocky Mafia-osos like Cuomo are living in the past !!!

  12. Who braved about having an unsafe place?
    What am I missing?
    I don’t get it.

    Bragging about failure now?
    Is this the new trophy for every kid?

  13. Cuomo admittedly makes the case of how dangerous his streets are. Cuomo is much better at passing laws and banning things then he is as a manager

  14. Well he DOES have Army Airforce Marines Coast Guard Navy so I
    think he will be Just Fine !!! Not Worried !!!

  15. EVERYONE needs an Army to walk the streets of New York!


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