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Friday, September 04, 2020

Common Sense About China

Something really strange is going on in America today. If you have wondered why political correctness requires you to avoid using the word “Chinese” with regard to a virus that came from China, then I have the book for you. It’s Communist China’s War Inside America by my friend Brian Kennedy. The good news is that the book—the latest in Encounter Books’ “Broadside” series—is very brief (the main text is only 49 pages).It is also written in a beautiful, clear style. Despite its brevity, it provides all you need to understand the nature of the Chinese threat to America, and to understand what can be done and must be done.

Kennedy gets straight to the point, writing that the Chinese are confident that America has grown corrupt, and that its political, financial, and cultural elites are in near-complete sympathy with the globalist project of an interdependent world, with the P.R.C. [the People’s Republic of China] at its head.

And make no mistake: the Chinese have ample evidence that their confidence in America’s elites is not misplaced.


  1. Biden is their lap dog. When he disparages President Trump in his brief rehearsed pressers its hard to control the outrage and disdain i feel toward this blathering idiot.
    TRUMP 2020

  2. Common Sense and China in the same sentence? Oxymoron anyone?

  3. Nothing strange. We have corrupt politicians that China has been giving millions of dollars to. It's been going on for 30 year's. When CHINA began buying our debt?? They began buying our politicians. Then they used our immigration system. Then they corrupted our education system. Half of congress are corrupted by CHINA. Why doesn't our judicial system work?? Corrupted by CHINA. Hell our judicial system is corrupted by anyone. Look no further than John Roberts on the Supreme Court.


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