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Thursday, September 10, 2020

Camera Cuts to Biden Before He Is Ready, Catches Him Appearing To Ask for Teleprompter

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden appeared to be relying on a teleprompter in what was presented as a live Q&A event hosted by the AFL-CIO on Labor Day.

At one point partway through the event, a participant asked Biden what he would do to help more people join labor unions if he were elected president.

The camera cut to Biden, who was looking to the side and told his staff, “Move it up here.”

There was a long, awkward pause, and then he finally answered with pablum, apparently crafted for him ahead of time.



  1. He had 3 teleprompters when I saw him speak.Each were simultaneous so he could appear NOT to be using a teleprompter when he looked around the room.

  2. There is no way they’ll allow Biden do a face to face debate with Trump...,he’s mentally compromised and should be replaced because it’s elder abuse

  3. These presidential debates are going to be a mental strain. One can't remember what he's saying and the other has a middle school vocabulary & doesn't understand numbers.

    1. Trump will be super amped up for the debates! Probably will take two hydroxychloroquine tablets and two shots of bleach to get ready.

    2. 1148
      President Trump will win 2020 in a landslide

      what are your progressive cry babies going to do than ?

      P.S. while jogging with my K-9, My dog took a shit and pee on your Biden sign

  4. I have noticed he can't speak from his Brain & has to be a Good Puppet
    & Only Read what he is told to read, by his Democrat Handlers !!!!

    Can't wait to see him & Trump at a Debate , when he will have to go
    OFF - SCRIPT !!!! LOL LOL That will do him in & they know it !!!

  5. He has a butt plug in and a diaper to avoid anal leakage too!

  6. Don't forget the last election when Hilliay was given the questions beforehand, and if I am not mistaken President Trump still beat her in the debates.

  7. Chris Wallace is a moderator Trump will get gotcha questions And Biden will get fluff. Depends if trump can get Biden of his game with asking him directly. I didn’t watch 2016 and not watching 2020. To corrupted. Remember Clinton got the questions before hand from now a fox contributor.

    1. The black token on FOX gave the fat failed candidate the answers (Donna Bazille). She and William on the five are pure. I would like to see the president clean joeys clock but I can’t watch that Wallace dude. Same as his past father, simpletons.

  8. Been trying to figure out why they're running him, when everybody knows his condition. Best I can figure, they know they can control him. Who is "they" and what do "they" want? Or, if I'm wrong, what's the real plan? Thanks in advance.

  9. I don’t think so. Chris Wallace is not a fan of Donald Trump. But, as biased as he is, he isn’t THAT biased. He won’t go soft in Biden. He might not be brutal, but he’s going to ask questions that are going to make Biden struggle.

    The debate will be a mess. Nobody has challenged Joe Biden. So, he is unprepared for a challenge. Just think, the debates will be his very first exposure to a challenge. I can’t even imagine them giving him hard questions during their preparations.


  10. The debate format provides an opportunity for the President to jump in and comment or rebut if they pitch marshmallows to SlowJoe. And HidenBiden will be without his teleprompter crutch/es which he's been relying on the past 6 months.

  11. Bet he's going to wear a earpiece and pretend it is a hearing aid during the debate with Trump, if his party allows him to debate. Biden cannot answer questions anymore. He does not have the mental faculty to debate on his own. And even with an earpiece telling him what to say during the debate, he will screw that up too. He won't be able to remember what they just told him. That right there is funny, except for the fact that many people will vote for the delirious old fool, just because he is the democrat candidate.


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