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Monday, September 14, 2020

Baltimore resident who claims to be a Motivational Speaker’ Mocks Shot Cops Fighting For Their Lives, Supports Rioters Outside Of Hospital

Melony Hill, who’s Facebook page claims that she is an ‘author’ and ‘motivational’ speaker from the “Crazy Like A Fox Tour”, which focuses on black women’s mental health, has taken to Facebook to Mock the two police officers that were ambushed and shot point plank in the head last night. You can see the screenshot of her public Facebook image below.

Hill took to Facebook to troll the WBAL-TV 11 Baltimore article about the incident along with many others who were echoing the same rhetoric. They were mocking the police officers who are fighting for their lives comparing them to George Floyd and others that have died in what they view as ‘police brutality’.

In the screenshots below Hill hypothesis the cops ‘could have robbed him [the shooter] then jumped in the car to get away.’ She suggests the cops were loitering or maybe they made the shooter fear for his life.


  1. True racist idiot.

  2. Such crap. Whites are held to a different standard. Im so tired of this.

  3. 9:39 That is because we are better. When you are superior you are always held to a higher standard. You can't expect much of out them. They prove this themselves. They are "african" americans. They will not ever be Americans first because they got that primal lawless african blood in them. They can not be trusted. They will go into full primal mode in a split second. They are criminals to the very cores of their bodies. Can't even protest like human beings they have to start destroying and stealing That's that african blood they have flowing in those veins. Primal and uncivilized The only hope is more breed with whites. Like with dogs those primal african undesirable traits can be bred out of them.

  4. She's BLACK. WTF did you expect?? Another uneducated. Affirmative Action. Welfare recipient. I wonder how many kids she has?? The entire family been on welfare for generations. ENOUGH SAID.

  5. The ho is a motivator. That is what they preach same as in some churches of blacks.

  6. If this is what being a motivator for black women with mental health issues is, it's no wonder they're not improving.

  7. And she is still employed, on line, NOT BANNED REMOVED DEACTIVATED AND DEFUNDED WHY??

  8. 1226 - regression at its height!

  9. "There are good people on both sides"

    1. 1:20 But there are more bad people on your side ;)

  10. From her website:
    About Melony Hill
    Melony Hill is a woman of many identities, literally. Melony is legally emotionally disabled, diagnosed with a range of emotional illnesses from depression to dissociative identity disorder ( multiple personalities). Melony's writing stretches across multiple genres, though she loves non fiction most.

    Melony is a 10-year entrepreneur, motivational speaker, and business consultant also widely known as "Bmore's Hidden Jewel" and "Sexy Sapphire."


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